Roman Catholic Flashcards
The one who makes things and brings things about
The act by which god brought the universe into being
God is all powerful as he made the universe and everything in it
Genesis 1
The part of the bible where the earth was made
1) Day and night
2) Sea and sky
3) Plant life
4) sun, moon, stars
5) fish and birds
6) animals and humans
7) god rested
Genesis 2
The section of the old testament where the creation of man was
God created man from soil
God took a rib from man to make woman
God made animals from soil
Man presented woman
Almighty, having unlimited power. The power of God
All knowing. The power of god.
All good and loving. A quality of god.
Adam and Eve.
The first male and female god created. Banished after eating from the tree of knowledge.
Michael Angelo
Artist whos work was inspired by the bible stories.
Humans below God
Humans effortless
Adam perfect man made by god
Humans depend on god for life
Creation of adam.
God shaped him from the soil and then breathed life into him.
Free will
The power that humans have to control their own actions.
Free will was given by god so that humans had the power to control their own lives.
The responsibility to look after the earth and the animals that god has given us.
Sanctity of life
Belief that all life is precious and only god has the ability to create and destroy it
The holy book of catholics where the stories of Jesus and the prophets are found.
A will
Old testament
The creation story and the stories from the prophets are found.
New testament
Where the life of Jesus and his stories are documented
History books
Books where the history of the religions are found
Wisdom books
Books where the teachings of god and jesus are found.
Law books.
Book where the laws given by God are found
Prophetic books
Books in the old testament where the prophets stories are.
The reading of a story from jesus or god telling us how much he loves us.
Acts of the apostles
Stories that the apostles of jesus had while he was alive.
The letters in the bible that were often written by paul.
The guidance that god gives to people.
Book of revelation
Book by John who bares record of the word of God, and of the testimony of Jesus Christ, and of all things that he saw.
Something that is not real or didn’t happen
The teaching authority by the catholic church.
Sacred scripture
The holy books that are studied by christians
A christian that interprets the genesis story literally
Natural law
Preservation of life Reproduction Orderly living Nurturing God question
The land that surrounds us
Working with other people as part of a team
Charity that are helping less developed countries make a sustainable future
The ability to be maintained to a certain rate or level