Rom X Jul Act 3 Flashcards
What is unusual or ironic about the things Mer teases Ben for at the begining of Scene 1
Being grouchy and violent when Mer is the troublemaker
How does Romeo respond to Tybalts insult and threat. What is the dramatic irony in this response
He says he loves tybalt. they are now familiy
Why does Mercutio want to fight Tybalt
He wants to save Romeo’s honor and he thinks Romeo is being a coward
What is ironic about Mer’s words after Ty stabs him
He says it is a scratch. He jokes before his death
What does Romeo try to do at the begining of the fight
He tries to break it up
What change does Romeo enocunter when Mer is killed
He is angry with fury
Whose version of events is more ture when the prince arrvives and questions people about the deaths and why
Benvolio because he explains Romeo tried to break up the fight but Ty killed Mer
What is Romeo’s punishment for killing Mer
he is banished
What is JUliet at the begining of scene 2
desperate for Romeo
How does Juliet misunderstand the nurse when she brings the news about tybalt
she thinks the nurse is talking about Romeo when she is really talking about Tybalt
How does JUliet rationalize or come to understand events
Tybalt would have killed Romeo if Romeo didnt kill him
What are oxymorons in JUliets speech
beautiful tyrant, fiend angelical, dove feathered raven, wolvish lamb
What are the cords/ropes Juliet talks about in line 130 supposed to be for. What does she consider using them for instead
for Romeo to get up to the balcony. Hang herself
How is Romeo reacting to the banishment
sadnbecause he feels he will never see juliet again
why does Frair call Romeo a mad man
Romeo sees the banishment as a curse while the Frair shees it as a blessing
When Romeo continues to go on about his situation, what four reasons does the Frair give him to make him happy
Juliet is alive, Tybalt is dead, he was supposed to die, and a pack of blessings is on his back
Where is Romeo going at the end of this scene and where is his ultimate destination by next morning
To JUliets chamber, Mansua
Who is visiting the capulets and what additional complication arrives from the visit
Paris, He is supposed to marry juliet on thursday and it is monday and the frair needs to come up with a plan
what do Rom X Jul do at the playfully argue at the begining of scene 5
day and night birds
who has a premonition of an unhappy ending as they say their goodbyes
Romeo sees Juliet in a tomb. so this will be the last time he sees her
what is ironic about Jul and Ladys convo
Juliet is crying about Romeo but she makes her mother think she is crying about capulate
how does Juliet react to the news that she must marry paris
sad. she gets away. it is impossible for her to keep up this act
what advice does the nurse give to Juliet
just marry paris
Is juliet going to Frair for confession
no, she is finding a solution for her problem
What does Juliet say in speech at the end of the act
if frair doesnt come up with a plan, she will khs
how does Capulet respond to Juliets response to marrying PAris
calls her ungreatful and threatens to disown her
Who says a plauge o both your houses and what does it mean
mercutio. Curses both families which foreshadows death of Rom X JUl
Who says O God, I have an ill-divined soul and what does it mean
Juliet. Romeo does not look well
Who says thank me no thankings and what does it mean
capulet she is to get married to Paris or he will disown her
who says Indeed, I shall never be satisfied and what does it mean
Juliet. She fakes being mad at Romeo to Lady Capulet and says she wants to purchase poison for Romeo when she really wants to purchase it for herself