Rom x Jul Act 2 Flashcards
What happens in scene 1
Romeo decides to stay in the orchard whi;e Ben and Mer leave
Where are Romeo and Juliet located in the beginning of this scene? Are they aware or each other’s presence
Capulates orchard and balcony. ROmeo is and Juliet is not
What does Romeo compare Juliet to and what does he compare her eyes to
he is the east and juliet is the sun. Her eyes are the stars
Why does Romeo say he wants to be a glove
He wants to touch her cheek
What question is Juliet pondering lines 35-37
What is in a name
What does what is in a name mean
names are meaningless
Why does Romeo chose the spot he does to show himself to Juliet
He now knows she loves him
What is Juliet worried about when Romeo first shows up
they will get killed
Why is Juliet still worried
she spoke freely about her feelings
Why is Juliet not entirely happy about her convo with Romeo
She compares love to lighting. As quick as it comes, it goes
What does Friair say about virtue and vice
They are like sunrise and sunset, light and dark
Where does Friar think Romeo has been
with Rosaline
What question does Romeo ask Laurence
If he will help marry Romeo and Juliet
How does Laurence respond to this question
He jokes around at first
What good thing does Laurence see that will come out of this marraige
an alliance between houses
What advice does Friar give Romeo
wisely and slow, they stumble ones …..
What bad news does Ben have for Mer
Tybalt is angry at romeo for showing up at the party
Why does Mer think this is bad for Rom
Romeo cant fight
When Romeo finally shows up, what with his behavior make Mer happy
Romeo is joking around
How does Mer act when she approaches
Calls her a boat and says that her fan is to hide her face because she is ugly
How does the nurse respond
says she is vexed
how does romeo decribe mer to the nurse
HE wants to hear himself talk
What message doe Romeo give the nurse
He plans to marry Juliet this afternoo
What does the nurse tell Romeo about Juliet
She fears that Juliet thinks Paris is the better man
How is Juliet acting at the begining of scene 5
What does the nurse do to Juliet
teases her about the information and talks about ther headaches
What message does Julliet finally get from the nurse
She is to marry Romeo that afternoon
What advice does Friar give Romeo
Hastiness of his desicion to marry
How does Romeo say he will feel towards time and death once he has married Juliet
Once he gets married, he will spend every moment with Juliet until death
Why does Friar say he needs to hurry the marraige up because they can’t be left alone unwed
They want to fuck
“O swear not by the moon,that monthy changes in her circled orb, lest tht thy love rove unlikewise”
Well, you have a simple choice. You know not to chose a man
I conjure thee by Rosaline’s birght eyes, by her high forehead abd ger sacrlet lip
Young men’s love then lies, not truely in their hearts, but in thine eyes
Frair Lawrence
So smile upon the heavens this holy act, that after hours with sorrow not chide us
Good, Peter, to hide her face, to her fans the fairer face
good night, good night. Parting is such a sweet sorrow
Alack, there lies more percil in thine eyes, than twenty of their swords
In one respect I’ll thy assistant be for this alliance may so happy prove, to turn your household’s rancor to pure love
he jests at scars that never felt a wound
O mickle is the powerful grace that lies, in plants, herbs stones, and their truer qualities
Had she affections and warm, youthful blodd, she would be as swift as a motion ball
Doff thy name, and for that name, which of thee, take all myself
Lo, here upon thy cheek the stain doth sit, of an old tear that is not washed off yet
Conceit, more rich in matter than in words, brags of his substance, not of ordinment