Roles/Responsibilities Of Globalization Flashcards
Quality of Life
The conditions in people’s lives - includes material possessions and non-material things (ex: clean environment, personal safety, political rights)
- people have different ideas about what is needed for a good quality of life
Standard of Living
A common measure of the quality/quantity of goods/services that are available
GDP (Gross Domestic Product)
- measure of a country’s wealth/standard of living
- indicates health of the economy
- social/economic condition that is unfair/unequal
- ex: literacy rates, life expectancy, income, natural resources
Human Development Index (HDI)
- measures quality of life in 3 areas:
GDP Index - GDP per capital
Life Expectancy Index
Knowledge Index - adult literacy + school enrollment rates - doesn’t give entire picture about quality of life
- policy of countries working together for the common good regardless of race, religion, nationality, etc
(Ex: United Nations - expanded from ensuring world peace to improving quality of life)
Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948)
- states the human rights that everyone is equally entitled to
- 30 articles focus on 6 categories:
Political rights (vote, participate in government)
Civil rights (freedom of opinion/expression)
Equality rights (no discrimination)
Social rights (education, healthcare)
Cultural rights (speak first language, partake in cultural life)
Economic rights (fair wages, safe working conditions)
Trade/Transportation and spreading human rights/democracy
- TNCs find labour in countries with low load our costs and less strict environmental laws - can lead to human rights violations
- governments pressured to reduce spending from institutions - privatization of industries/higher costs for people
- trade can stop human rights violations (boycotts or economic sanctions) - may also worsen situations
Refusing to purchase goods/services from a company because you disagree with corporate policies (similar to buy cost - agreeing with policies)
Movement of people around the world
- economic immigrant (workers finding better quality of life)
- immigrant sponsored by family
- refugees (find safety/economic opportunity)