Roles, Responsibilities, and Risk Assessment Flashcards
What criteria are used to select supervisors?
Leadership, maturity, supervisory ability, technical expertise.
What is the role of a SCUBA supervisor?
In charge of diving operation regardless of rank.
Shall execute dives in a safe and effective manner and discontinue diving operations in the event of unsafe diving conditions.
What are the responsibilities of a SCUBA supervisor?
Knowing and complying with rules, limits, and procedures.
Understanding the extent of their authority as delegated by the CO.
Shall be included in operational planning.
Shall conduct and document an adequate ORM assessment for each diving day.
What are the 5 steps in Deliberate Risk Management?
Identify Hazards
Assess Hazards
Make risk decisions
Implement controls
Dive Sups shall submit to/notify their CDO of the following 8 things:
1)Personnel status changes
2)RDL capability status changes
3)Changes to environmental conditions effecting dive status.
4)Briefs/ORM and any changes effecting mission outcome.
5)Dive side ORM results and diver splash/clean times.
6)Updated mission movements (departures/arrivals/delays)
7)DOPs, as required.
8)Equipment failures requiring tag-outs.
DOPs shall contain at a minimum what 4 things?
1)Signed dive briefs.
2)ORM sheet.
3) Rough logs.
4) MSS/OPs/Applicable A2 Checklist.
What are some risk assessment pitfalls?
Over optimism, misrepresentation, alarmism, indiscrimination, prejudice, inaccuracy, enumeration.
What are 4 additional reportable MISHAP incidents?
-Hyperbaric injuries requiring recompression therapy.
-Hyperbaric injuries requiring no recompression but render the member NPQ?
-Mechanical/other injuries requiring medical treatment that render the member not fit for full.
-Illness caused by pollutants in the water.
Diving at altitude corrections?
<300’ No correction.
300-100 Correct for dives deeper than 145 fsw.
>1000’ correct all dives.
No surface interval is required before taking a commercial flight if the dive site is located at what elevation?
8000 feet or higher.
Standby Requirements?
Fully prepared for emergency.
Octo Rig.
Same brief/Instructions as divers.
Aware of dive progress.
Aware of changes to the plan.
Equivalent/Greater dive dress and capability.
May remove mask/fins after hands-on checks.
May remove tank if hazards outweigh need to immediately deploy.
Advantages of SCUBA?
Quick deployment.
Minimal surface-support required.
Minimal bottom disturbance.
Excellent mobility.
Disadvantages of SCUBA?
Susceptible to regulator freeze-up.
Depth limitation.
Limited comms (bite stage.)
Limited bottom time.
Influenced by current and susceptible to environment.
Principal applications of SCUBA?
Shallow water search.
Light repair and recovery.
Minimum SCUBA side manning requirement?
Single diver tended? Sup, Diver, STBY, Tender.
Two divers? Sup, Diver, Diver, Stby
SCUBA Operational Considerations?
Stby required.
Small craft mandatory in open-ocean or if untended divers may be displaced.
Sup shall compute air duration prior to each dive.
Sup shall consider an independent back-up air source for all dives.
If diver’s deco schedule does not have an associated Repet group?
No repet dives deeper than 20fsw.
Divers must remain on surface for at least 18 hours before making another dive deeper than 20’.
The most efficient way to perform repet dives is to perform ____ dive first and _____ dive last.
Deepest first.
Shallowest last.
Delays in ascent?
Delay up to 1min: Ignore.
Delay deeper than 50fsw: Round-up, add to BT, recompute T/S.
Delay shallower than 50fsw: Round up, add to first deco stop.
Hull clearance minimum?
Clearance at the keel: 6ft at lowest mean tide.
Clearance between pier and vessel: 4ft.
Sea Suction
50/50 rule. If diving within 50’ of 50gpm intake, must be emergency repair and authorized by both CO of MSRT and Vessel.
All enclosed space divers must be equipped with ______ and a ______ for the diver in the space.
MK20 with diver-to-diver-to-surface comms.
_______ and ______ of the enclosed space SHALL be assessed prior to entry. Each diver will have a working ______.
Stability and integrity.
Dive light.
Safe working distance from SONAR?
Wetsuit and unhooded: start at 1,000y and move in to diver comfort.
Wetsuit with hood: Start at 600y and move in to diver comfort.
Helmet: Start at 3,000 yards and move in to diver comfort.
When is a tending line required?
Standby diver.
Single diver.
No direct access to surface.
Current greater than 1knot.
Diving under ice.
When can a float line be used?
Only with direct access to surface.
No smaller than an 11-inch brightly colored inflatable buoy.
Inner-tube w/ diving flag is allowed.
Buddy line length requirement?
6-10 feet.
Acceptable lifeline materials?
Nylon, Dacron, or Polypropylene.
CWID tending line requirements?
-Standby tend must be twice length of divers.
-End of tending line secured to stationary object (either ice screw or buried under ice.)
-Marked with red band every 50’.
-Marked with yellow or black band every 10 feet.
Why do divers wear specific uniforms?
Per the Dive Program Manual. Appropriate clothing must be worn for the safe and practical conduct of diving operations and to provide visual indicators necessary for diver identification.
Breath hold diving?
Shall be limited to operations and training that cannot be effectively accomplished with UBA.
Shall be supervised by a qualified Diving Supervisor.
Shall be tended where practical.
ORM/Brief/EAP/Notifications of regular dive are applicable.
Mishaps treated as diving related incidents.
Dive SHALL be aborted at first sign of the urge to breath.
What 6 tables are required to conduct a SCUBA dive?
No-D table.
Deco table.
Residual Nitrogen table.
Sea-Level Equivalent Depth (SLED)
Repet Groups Associated with Initial Ascent to Altitude.
Required SI before Ascent to Altitude After Diving.
Diving at altitude: Correction factor of _____ for every _____ feet of altitude should be added to the reading of a sealed reference gauge.
1ft for every 1000ft of altitude.
Not required for gauges that can be adjusted on the fly (i.e. our submersible pressure gauges.)
Minimum SCUBA equipment required?
Open circuit SCUBA.
Face mask
BC w/ min. 10lb of positive buoyancy at max depth.
Weights (as required)
Submersible pressure gauge
Depth gauge.
Wrist watch.
Octo (COs discretion but required for STBY)
Tending line for standby.
Minimum CWID equipment?
Thermal protection (suit/gloves/hood)
ANU-approved cold water config.
ANU approved mask/FFM.
Fins (No splitfins)
Depth/PSI Gauge
ANU approved Harness
Tending line (STBYx2)
Strobe light.
Optional: Descent line w/lights at entry hole and comms.
Minimum required emergency equipment?
Comms to reach higher care/evac.
Fully stocked first aid kit.
AED (towel/razor recommended)
O2 enough to reach chamber/evac location.
BVM with O2 connection.
Means of immobilization.
Means of extraction.
Divers recall.
Lost diver kit.
Requirements for Lost Diver kit.
Clump w/ sufficient weight not to be dragged.
Buoy w/ 11inch min diameter.
25ft min circling line (w/H board recommended)
Caviblaster limits?
85 minutes w/ neoprene hood.
22 minutes w/ helmet.
Not authorized for use without hood or helmet.
Post-dive observation requirements:
Immediately following a dive, divers shall remain under direct supervision of dive sup for 10min.
Within 30min travel time of the diving unit for at least 2 hours after surfacing.
What are the 3 levels of ORM?
In-depth, deliberate, time critical.
Lost Diver EP steps? (As the supervisor)
Sound the recall.
Post lookouts.
Lower the lost diver buoy at last know location.
Initiate a search with standby. (Surfacing buddy diver may be used if he displays composure, has adequate air, and doesn’t owe decompression.)
Activate the EAP.
Notify Command or other resource.
Continue searching and sounding the recall until all resources are exhausted or the search is called off by a competent authority.
What is Time Critical Risk Management?
Is the effective use of all available resources to accomplish the mission using risk management concepts while time and resources are limited. Requires a high degree of situational awareness.
What can you do if a commercial air supplier is unable to provide documentation that air meets purity standards?
The CO may authorize use for an individual mission, not to exceed 30 days, using DP or SCUBA in water 38 degrees and above.
The air source shall be evaluated against the requirements of the non-navy compressor check sheet.
What is included in the short brief?
Dive objective/tasks.
Station Assignments.
What are a tender’s responsibilities?
-Assist the diver.
-Track the diver.
-Know line-pull signals.
-Keep situational awareness.
-Know CPR/First Aid, provide emergency assistance as directed.
What are the 4 principals of ORM?
Accept risk only when you know the facts, and the benefits outweigh the cost.
Accept no unnecessary risk.
Anticipate and manage risk by planning.
Make risk decisions at the right level.
What are the ABCDs of Time Critical Risk Management?
Assess the situation.
Balance your resources.
Do and debrief.
What are the 3 levels of situational awareness?
Basic: Awareness of key elements.
Intermediate: A comprehension/integration of the elements.
Advanced: The ability to use the current information to predict what will happen.
What are the 3 types of decision making?
Analytical, rule-based, and recognition prime.
The single greatest safety practice in NAVY SCUBA operations is what?
The buddy diver.
What is the COA if ORM determines an operation is High Risk?
Only accept the mission with Command Endorsement. Communicate risk vs gain to chain if command. Implement controls and monitor risk factors.
What are 4 specific scenarios that can increase potential exposure to chemical/biological contamination?
After rainfall “First flush.”
Working in sediment.
Points if discharge.
Human remains recovery.
What are some sources of information for locating water contamination levels at a dive site?
National Center for Medical Intelligence
U.S. Navy/Marine Corps Public Health
US Defense Attache Officer (USDAO)