Roles & Responsibilities Flashcards
What should the interpreter DO and NOT DO at the IEP meeting?
The interpreter should share observations about how well the student understands the interpreted classroom or any other issues related to interpreting. The interpreter should not evaluate how well the student is doing academically or behaviorally, except as they relate to interpreting.
True/False: It is not the interpreter’s role to alter communication in order to protect a deaf or hard of hearing student from potential emotional hurt.
True, but if these situations occur, the interpreter should discuss them with other members of the educational team.
It is the responsibility of an educational interpreter to inform the educational team about what?
The limitations associated with the interpreting process, including the individual interpreter’s limitations in skills.
When dealing with any student behaviors, such as inattention, the interpreter should work under the guidance of whom?
The classroom teacher and possibly the teacher of the deaf.
Minor, incidental interpreting expansions of classroom communication may be appropriate on occasion. If there are major and extensive interpreting expansions, what should the educational team know?
They should know know about the communication needs of the student and should discuss the modifications.
Who should assess the classroom environment and develop strategies with the educational team regarding seating arrangements, lighting, use of media, turn-taking, and other factors that may impact the interpreting process and access to the classroom content.?
The educational interpreter.
Interpreters may be required to help the deaf or hard of hearing student understand the role of __________ vs. ___________.
an interpreter vs. that of tutor, teacher or friend.
True/False: As students mature, the interpreter should encourage more dependence.
False. Interpreters should encourage more independence.
Students often create bonds with professionals who work with them. These bonds are healthy, but professionals must be careful to maintain _______________.
professional boundaries
True/False: The interpreter works with the entire educational program and not just the deaf or hard of hearing student.
True/ False The interpreter is responsible for communicating with parents.
False. The classroom teacher is responsible for communicating with parents.
Who has the responsibility for educational planning, teaching, and evaluation for all students in the classroom?
The classroom teacher
True/False: Some educational interpreters also are asked to tutor as a part of their job. Interpreters should receive additional training in order to tutor. A classroom teacher or teacher of the deaf should supervise all tutoring.
True/False: The duties of assisting in supervising lunchtime and playtime activities can supersede the interpreters primary responsibility - interpreting.
False: All professionals who work in public schools assist in supervising lunchtime and playtime activities. The interpreter’s responsibilities in these areas should be considered in the same perspective as the other professionals in the school. These duties, however, should never interfere with their primary responsibility - interpreting.
Interpreters may be responsible for conducting __________ with building administrators, teachers, and with parents on their roles and responsibilities within the school.
It is the responsibility of the educational interpreter to prepare for assignments by reviewing what (name 3).
textbook content, lesson plans, and other resource material that is available.
True/False: Interpreters are qualified to teach sign language. Some states have certification requirements for teachers of sign language.
False. Interpreters are generally not qualified to teach sign language. Some states have certification requirements for teachers of sign language.
What two things are essential tools to help define the roles and responsibilities of an educational interpreter?
A job title and a job description
True/False: If an individual is facilitating signed communication between deaf and hearing individuals, by definition, they are interpreting and they should meet the qualifications for the job title of “interpreter”.
Name three things that educational interpreters need?
a work area, appropriate chairs, and a schedule with identified breaks
When asked to do extra-curricular activities, How is the interpreter supposed to negotiate time and pay?
in a professional manner
Educational interpreters can acquire increased self-awareness and professional maturity through what three activities?
active involvement in professional associations, the educational team, and through collegial and mentor relationships with more experienced practitioners.