Roles and Responsibilities Flashcards
3 Categories
Project Level Category
The Solution Development Team Category
The Supporting Roles Category
4 Interests
Business interests
Solution or technical interests
Management interests
Process interests
Project Level Roles
Business Sponsor Business Visionary Technical Coordinator Project Manager Business Analyst (also part of SD team)
Solution Delivery Team Roles
Business Ambassador Solution Developer Solution Tester Team Leader Business Analyst (also part of Project roles)
Supporting Roles
Business Advisor
Technical Advisor
Workshop Facilitator
DSDM Coach
Business Interests
Business Sponsor
Business Visionary
Business Ambassador
Business Advisor
Technical Interests
Technical Coordinator
Solution Developer
Solution Tester
Technical Advisor
Management Interests
Project Manager
Team Leader
Process Interests
Workshop Facilitator
DSDM Coach
Workshop Facilitator
DSDM Coach
Process Interests
Project Manager
Team Leader
Management Interests
Interest: Technical Coordinator Solution Developer Solution Tester Technical Advisor
Technical Interests
Interest: Business Sponsor Business Visionary Business Ambassador Business Advisor
Business Interests
(I/L) Business Sponsor
Project Level
Business Interest
(I/L) Business Visionary
Project Level
Business Interest
(I/L)Technical Coordinator
Project Level
Technical Interest
(I/L) Project Manager
Project Level
Management Interest
(I/L) Business Analyst
Project Level
Business and Technical Interest
(I/L) Team Leader
Solution Development Level
Management Interest
(I/L) Business Ambassador
Solution Development Level
Business Interest
(I/L) Solution Developer
Solution Development Level
Technical Interest
(I/L) Solution Tester
Solution Development Level
Technical Interest
(I/L) Business Advisor
Supporting Level
Business Interest
(I/L) Technical Advisor
Supporting Level
Technical Interest
(I/L) Workshop Facilitator
Supporting Level
Process Interest
(I/L) DSDM Coach
Supporting Level
Process Interest
Most senior person involved in the project
Support both the project and the chosen solution
Support the approach to deliver the solution
Responsible for the financial aspects of the project (in particular, business case, budget, and funding)
Sufficient authority to resolve business issues and make financial decisions
Business Sponsor
More actively involved in the project (on day-to-day basis)
Responsible for interpreting the needs of the business sponsor, ensure they are represented in the business case (communicating to team and properly represented in business case)
Ensure the project is moving toward delivering a solution that will enable the benefits (as described in the business case)
Business Visionary
Senior level technical authority
Understanding of the technical aspects of the solution
Ensure the project is technically coherent and that the solution meets required technical standards
Advise on technical decisions and innovations
Technical Coordinator
Provides high-level Agile-style leadership to the solution delivery team
Focuses on managing the working environment in which the solution is evolving
Responsible for coordinating all aspects of the management of the project (although must of detailed planning left to solution development team. Requires facilitative style).
Responsible from Foundation phase through to final deployment
Project Manager
Overlap between Project and Solution Development categories
Actively support both the project level roles and the solution development team
Facilitates the relationship between the business and technical roles
Involve the business users in the process of evolving the solution
Prominent participant in the evolutionary development of the solution
Business Analyst
Elected member of the Solution Development Team, best placed to lead team through particular stage (likely also represents another role)
Responsible for ensuring that the Solution Delivery Team functions effectively and meets its stated objectives
Responsible for the detailed planning and coordination of all aspects of delivery at a detailed level
Team Leader
Key business representative within the Solution Delivery Team
Provides key input in the specification and prioritisation of the requirements
Responsible for providing increasing levels of detail as the solution evolves
Have sufficient knowledge and experience (to provide refinement) - in some circumstances, may need to liaise with advisor. Primary decision-maker during evolutionary development phase. Should be somebody respected by peers with sufficient seniority.
Business Ambassador
Responsible for the creation of the evolving solution (on incremental basis)
Collaborate with the other solution development team roles to interpret business requirements (and translate them into solution that meets requirements)
Empowered by the technical coordinator to make decisions within their level of expertise (should be working on project on full-time basis as far as possible; PM should actively manage involvement, represents risk with respect to timeboxing).
Solution Developer
Performs testing throughout the project on all of the deliverables produced by the solution developers
Testing is performed throughout the project in accordance with an agreed strategy
may need to liaise with Ambassador and Analyst, reports result to Technical Coordinator
Solution Tester
A peer of the Business Ambassador
Provides specialist business insight to solution development or to solution testing
Insight may relate to legal or regulatory requirements that the solution has to comply with. Likely an intended user of deployed solution.
Business Advisor
Provides specific technical input into the project
Perspective of those who will be responsible for the future ongoing operation and maintenance of the deployed solution. Will include those responsible for change management and operational support.
Technical Advisor
Ensures the workshop delivers the required result
Independent of the outcome to be achieved. Their focus on participants collaborating to meet objective.
Workshop Facilitator
Assist team members to get the most out of using the DSDM approach
Have detailed knowledge and experience in using DSDM. Be able to tailor approach to suit individual needs of project and environment.
DSDM Coach