Role of the service employee Flashcards
From the firm perspective, why are service employees crucially important? (5)
- A core part of the product
- The service firm
- The brand
- Affects sales
- Determine productivity
How is the frontline employees an important part of customer loyalty? (3)
- Anticipating customer needs
- Customising service delivery
- Building personalised relationships
What are some low contact transaction services without frontline staff ? (3)
- ATM’s (automated teller machines)
- IVR (Interactive voice respondence) systems
- Websites for reservations, orders, payment
What are boundary spanning roles? and what are expected of them? (2 and 4)
- Spanners link the organisation to outside world
- Service staff has to pursue both operational and marketing goals
expected to:
- Delight customers
- Be fast and efficient in executing operational tasks
- Do selling, cross selling and up selling
- Enforce pricing schedules
What are the 3 main causes of role stress?
- Organisation versus client: Dilemma whether to follow company rules or to satisfy customer demands
2 Person versus role: Conflicts between what jobs require and employees own personality and beliefs
- Client versus client: conflicts between customers that demand service staff intervention
Define emotional labour and how does it arise? (2)
- The act of expressing socially desired emotions during service transactions” (Hochschild)
- Arises when a discrepancy exists between the way the front line staff feel inside the emotions that management wants them to show in front of customers (Lovelock, 2011)
What are the three types of emotional labour?
- Surface acting:
- stimulate emotions they don’t actually feel
- can lead to higher levels of stress
- hides ones inner emotions - Deep acting:
- Psych themselves into experiencing desired emotions - Spontaneous response
Briefly Explain the cycle of failure, mediocrity and success (3)
- Cycle of failure: Business with high employee turnover
- Cycle of mediocrity: Job security but little room for initiative procedure based
- Cycle of success: Firm seeks to prosper by investing in people
Explain more in detail the cycle of failure? (3)
denotes a situation in a service organisation where:
- employee turnover is high and
- the level of employee morale is low due to = uncompetitive compensation they receive, inefficiencies associated with workplace and job design etc.
- It is referred to as a cycle because no proactive approach is taken by managers in such organisations to improve the situation, and therefore the scenario tends to repeat for new employees.
Explain more in detail the cycle of success? (4)
- Attractive pay and benefits attract better job applicants
- More focused recruitment, intensive training and higher wages make it more likely that employees are:
- happier in their work
- provide higher quality ,customer pleasing service - Broadened job description with empowerment practices enable frontline staff to control quality and facilitate service recovery.
- Regular customers more likely to remain loyal because they:
- appreciate continuity in service relationships
- have higher satisfaction due to higher quality
Explain the first step of the service talent cycle? (4)
- be the preferred employer
- create a large pool “compete for talent share”
- select the right people:
- different jobs are best filled by candidates with different skills, styles or personalities
- hire candidates that fit firms core values and culture
- focus on recruiting naturally warm people for customer contact jobs
Explain the second step in the service talent cycle? (3)
- Train your employees
- Empower employees through involvement
Explain the final step in the service talent cycle? (4)
use of rewards effectively: - Job content: people are motivated knowing they are doing a good job
- Feedback and recognition: people derive a sense of identity and belonging to an organisation from feedback and recognition
- Goal accomplishment: specific, difficult but attainable, and accepted goals are strong motivators.
What is the different between the traditional organisational pyramid and the inverted pyramid? (3x3)
Traditional organisational pyramid:
- Top managament ->
- Middle Management ->
- Frontline staff (bottom)
Middle management and top management support frontline:
- Customer ->
- Frontline staff ->
- Middle and top management support frontline (bottom)
What is the model of service sabotage? (3)
- it plots the normality versus the openness of service sabotage
- Whether it is exercised in public or private
- Whether it is routine or intermittent (sporadic)