*Role of Kidney in Regulation Flashcards
mean circulatory pressure takes into account:
blood volume and cardiovascular capacitance
what is needed to generate natriuresis from high renal blood flow?
the capsule
changes in blood flow to which area of the kidney result in natriuresis?
inner medulla
fraction of adult population that is salt sensitive over 60
30%, 70-80%
what are effective treatments for hypertension?
- correction of underlying cause
- diuretics (remove excess fluid), vasodilators (dec TPR)– but both activate RAAS and cause volume retention
- renal transplant
What turns on RAAS?
Does it shift RFC?
- Salt & volume depletion turns on RAAS
- shift RFC right
What turns off RAAS? Does this cause RFC shift?
Salt loading turns off RAAS
shift left
In a normal person sodium intake can vary a lot and kidney can still maintain BP within a narrow range becasue …..
Becuase of the renin angiotensin systen (RAAS)
For a normal person renal funcion curve looks like a verticle line
RAAS is activated in response to …
decreased blood flow to the kidney (in experiment renal artery was clipped/blocked)
Both ___ and ___ can cause hypertention
inceased volume and angiotensin II
how does essential hypertension appear on a RFC?
- Right shifted from the normal RFC, and flatter if salt-sensitive (small changes in sodium result in larger changes in BP = flatter curve).
Salt sensative hypertension appears ____ on RFC, which means ____
flatter curve means small changes in sodium result in larger changes in BP
would a patient with primary/essential hypertension have volume overload?
- no measurable volume overload (corrected by autoregulation)
- volume overload tells us there is a subtle defect in sodium excretion, because a normal kidney excretes a sodium and water to maintain normal BP
In PRIMARY hypertention, volume overload tells us ___, because ___
there is a subtle defect in sodium excretion, because a normal kidney excretes enough sodium and water to maintain normal BP