What are the similarities between New Right and Functionalist views?
- Both believe that some people are naturally more talented than others
- Both favour an education system run on meritocratic principles of open competition
- Both believe that education should socialise pupils into shared values and instil a sense of national identity
What do the New Right believe in?
Argue that education takes a ‘one size fits all’ approach. The local consumers who use the school have no say. Schools should be privatised to give parental choice (Parentocracy)
What are the Two roles for the state?
- State imposes a framework on schools within which they have to compete. E.g: league tables
- State ensures that schools transmit a shared culture through imposing a single National Curriculum, seeks to guarantee that shcools socialise pupils into a single cultural heritage
What do New Right believe education should affirm?
Education shoul affirm national identity. For example, the curriculum should emphasise Britain’s positive role in world history and teach British literature, Christian act of worship, etc
How do Gewirtz and Ball argue against this perspective?
Competition between schools benefits the middle class, who can use their cultural and economic capital to gain access to more desirable schools.
How do Marxists argue against this perspective?
Education does not impose a shared national culture, as the New Right claim, but imposes the culture of a dominant minority ruling class and devalues the culture of the working class and minority ethnic groups.