Key terms, knowledge, definitions
What are the three main perspectives?
- Functionalism
- Marxism
- Feminism
What is Functionalism?
People who believe society runs smoothly and is made up of all different parts of which all work together to keep society stable. Often believe people generally conform to the norms of society - looking at the positives of society.
What is Marxism?
Based on Karl Marx’s ideas that focus on social class inequalities. They believe this is the main inequality in society. Often argue the ruling class (bourgeoisie) exploits the working class (proletariat) and treats them badly for their own gain.
What is Feminism?
Believe gender inequality is the main inequality in society. They argue women are treated badly by men and exploited by them and that society is patriarchal.
What is Postmodernism?
It is an approach that attempts to define how society has progressed to an era beyond modernity.
What is a Consensus Theory?
The idea that argreement is the basis of social life and without it society would collapse into chaos where no one would agree on how to conduct themselves - functionalists believe in consensus theory.
What is a Conflict Theory?
Thea idea that society is actually in conflict, this is because they are different groups in society that have conflicting interests - feminists and marxists believe in consensus theory.
What is the difference between primary and secondary socialisation?
Primary socialisation is the time in someone’s life where they initially learn and develop themselves because of immediate family / parents. Secondary is socialisation is any socialisation that occurs when people other than immediate family / parents teach how to behave, right and wrong, etc.