role of assessment in career development Flashcards
6 purposes of career assessment
- identify career possibilities congruent with client’s attributes
- assess conflicts/problems
- motivate constructive behavior
- acquire a structure for evaluating career alternatives
- clarify expectations / plan expectations
- establish a range of abilities
2 categories of career assessments
- ass. of individual differences in career choice (interests, values, skills, needs, abilities, personality)
- ass. of career process (decision making, self-efficacy, career maturity)
4 categories for assessments of individual differences
- interests
- abilities/skills
- values
- integrative career assessment programs
the degree to which a test scores is dependable & consistent
(repeated trials will yield consistent results)
degree to which test measures what it says it does
What challenges equity within assessment?
U.S. population is diverse and becoming more diverse.
These provide the frame of reference for interpreting an assessment score.
indiviudal differences assessments
measure aspects relevant to career choice
career-development process assessments measure: (3)
-decision making
-career maturity
Examples of interest assessments
Strong Interest Inventory
Self-Directed Search
Interest Profiler
Campbell Interesta nd Skills Survey
Kuder Career Search
Client interests are good predictors of what?
- career direction
- occupational choice
interest inventories describe ____________
general occupational interests
Interest inventories measure two types of interests:
- expressed interests
- manifest interests
expressed interests
assessed by asking client about their interests
manifest interests
assessed by examining how client spends their time (their preferred activities)
What are 2 things interest inventories do for clients?
- promote career exploration
- connect interests to specific occupations
Strong Interest Inventory assists in what?
Selection of college major, career exploration, career development, employee engagement, and career reintegration.
SII stands for?
Strong Interest Inventory
What ages can SII be used with
SII format?
291 items with 5-point Likert scale
SII categories?
MBTI preferences have what 4 categories?
- extraversion vs introversion
- sensing vs. iNtution
- thinking vs feeling
- judging vs perceiving
MBTI category acronyms
MBTI is measuring ___________
Assumptions of preferences in MBTI
-binary, not spectral
-stable across life
-what changes is how we use the preferences and how we recognize them
EI relates to
where you direct your energy
SN relates to
how you gather information
TF relates to
how you make decisions
JP relates to
how you deal with the outside world
Extraverts prefer careers where
action and interaction are important.
Introverts prefer careers where
ideas are important.
Sensing prefer careers where
production or management are important.
Intuitive prefer careers where
communication and theory are important.
Thinking prefer careers such as
STEM, production, law, police, trade work
Feeling prefer careers such as
teaching, health care, human services, communication, counseling
Judging prefer careers with
plans, systems, order, responsibility
Perceiving prefer careers with
flexibility, innovation, independence
What does research say about interest inventories?
Inconsistent measures of validity and reliability.