define entrepreneur
Is a person who is willing to take a risk in setting up and growing their own business.
define intrapreneurship
An employee within a business who takes risks to solve a problem/design something new
innovation within the business
advantages of intrapreneurship
+ Drives innovation
+ Promotes new ways of doing things
+ Increases productivity/efficiency
+ Reduces waste
+ Increases profitability
+ Adds value = competitive advantage
how do businesses encourage intrapreneurship?
Train employees in innovation
Give employees ownership of projects
Make risk-taking and failure acceptable
Give employees time outside the confines of a job description
Encourage networking and collaboration
Reward entrepreneurial thinking and activity
barriers to entrepreneurship
- Lack of skills/beliefs
- Risk-averse/ fear of failure
- lack of capital
- lack of training
define and describe risk
- the possibility things will go wrong
Can be managed: market research, planning, knowledge
Entrepreneurs look at the size of risk relative to rewards to make decisions - spreading risks by diversifying
define and describe uncertainty
- unpredictable and uncontrollable events that affect the business
- beyond the control of the business
Need for contingency plan; what to do IF something happens
Important to have reserves/alternatives; e.g. stock, money