Role Models IELTS Flashcards
A person looked up to by others as an example to be imitated.
Role model
Example sentence: “Nelson Mandela is often cited as a role model for his unwavering commitment to social justice.”
A famous person, often in the entertainment industry.
Example sentence: “Many young people today consider celebrities as their role models.”
A symbol or representation of something revered or idolized.
Example sentence: “Mother Teresa is considered an icon of compassion and selflessness.”
A trusted advisor or guide, usually with more experience in a particular field.
Example sentence: “Having a mentor can greatly influence one’s development and career path.”
Something or someone that motivates or encourages creative thought or action.
Example sentence: “His grandfather’s perseverance in adversity was his greatest inspiration.”
Providing inspiration or motivation.
Example sentence: “The speech by Malala Yousafzai was truly inspirational.”
Worthy of admiration or respect.
Example sentence: “Her dedication to community service is truly admirable.”
Having the power to affect or sway decisions or opinions.
Example sentence: “His influential leadership style inspired many to follow his example.”
Describing someone or something that is desired or sought after.
Example sentence: “The young entrepreneur serves as an aspirational figure for many in the business world.”
Serving as a desirable model; worthy of imitation.
Example sentence: “Her exemplary work ethic earned her the respect of her colleagues.”
To imitate or strive to equal or surpass someone admired.
Example sentence: “Many students aspire to emulate the success of their favorite athletes.”
To fill someone with the urge or ability to do or feel something.
Example sentence: “Her story of overcoming obstacles inspired others to pursue their dreams.”
To have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something.
Example sentence: “Parents play a crucial role in influencing their children’s values and beliefs.”
To regard with respect or warm approval.
Example sentence: “I admire her determination to succeed against all odds.”
To admire or revere greatly; to worship as an idol.
Example sentence: “Many teenagers idolize pop stars and try to emulate their lifestyles.”
In a manner deserving of admiration or approval.
Example sentence: “She handled the situation admirably, demonstr
Example sentence: “She handled the situation admirably, demonstrating grace under pressure.”
In a way that has a significant effect or impact.
Example sentence: “His writing style has influenced many contemporary authors influentially.”
In a manner that motivates or encourages.
Example sentence: “The teacher spoke inspiringly about the importance of education.”
With emphasis or strong expression
Example sentence: “He stated emphatically that honesty is the most important quality in a leader.”
With great effort or determination.
Example sentence: “She worked strivingly to achieve her goal of becoming a doctor.”
To admire or respect someone.
Look up to
Example sentence: “Many children look up to their parents as role models.”
To regard with disdain or contempt.
Look down on
Example sentence: “It’s not right to look down on people who are less fortunate than you.”
Example sentence: “As a teacher, it’s important to set a good example for your students.”
Set an example
To fulfill or meet expectations or standards.
Live up to
Example sentence: “He tries hard to live up to the legacy of his role models.”
To resemble or imitate someone in appearance or behavior.
Take after
Example sentence: “She takes after her grandmother, who was known for her kindness and generosity.”
An exceptionally good person or thing.
“The bee’s knees”
Example sentence: “My grandmother is the bee’s knees; she’s always there to support me.”
Of the highest quality or excellence.
Example sentence: “He’s a top-notch athlete; he’s been breaking records left and right.”
Extremely rare or exceptional.
One in a million
Example sentence: “Her kindness and generosity make her truly one in a million.”
An authentic or genuine person.
The real deal
Example sentence: “When it comes to leadership, he’s the real deal.”
The best or most reliable example of something.
Gold standard
Example sentence: “His work ethic sets the gold standard for the rest of the team.”
To admire and respect someone.
To look up to someone
Example sentence: “As a child, I always looked up to my older sister.”
To be someone who sets a good example for others to follow.
To be a role model
Example sentence: “She strives to be a role model for her younger siblings.”
To set a good example through one’s own behavior.
To lead by example
Example sentence: “Effective leaders lead by example, showing others the way forward.”
To do the same thing as someone else before you.
“To follow in someone’s footsteps”
Example sentence: “She hopes to follow in her father’s footsteps and become a doctor.”
To be a clear and outstanding example for others.
To be a shining example
Example sentence: “His charitable work makes him a shining example of kindness and generosity.”
Positive role model
Cultural icon
Moral compass
Public figure
Celebrity endorsement
A person who is the first to do something or go somewhere, paving the way for others to follow.
Example sentence: “Marie Curie was a trailblazer for women in the field of science.”
Someone who donates their time, money, or resources to promote human welfare.
Example sentence: “Bill Gates is not only a successful businessman but also a renowned philanthropist.”
An influential teacher or expert.
Example sentence: “He’s considered a guru in the world of finance, with many seeking his advice.”
Able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions.
Example sentence: “Despite facing numerous setbacks, she remained resilient and determined to succeed.”
Possessing a compelling charm or appeal that inspires devotion in others.
Example sentence: “The charismatic leader had a magnetic presence that drew people to him.”
Innovative or pioneering; breaking new ground.
Example sentence: “Her groundbreaking research revolutionized the way we think about climate change.”
Honest and morally good.
Example sentence: “He’s known for his upright character and integrity in all his dealings.”
Having the ability to think about or plan the future with imagination or wisdom.
Example sentence: “Steve Jobs was a visionary leader who transformed the tech industry.”
To serve as a typical example of; to illustrate by example.
Example sentence: “Her dedication to her craft exemplifies the meaning of hard work.”
To support, advocate for, or defend a cause or person
Example sentence: “She tirelessly champions the rights of marginalized communities.”
To prepare the way or make progress easier.
Example sentence: “His groundbreaking research paved the way for future discoveries in the field.”
To support or defend something, such as a principle or belief
Example sentence: “It’s important for leaders to uphold the values of honesty and integrity.”
To bring or recall to the conscious mind; to elicit or draw forth.
Example sentence: “His paintings evoke a sense of nostalgia and longing.”
In a manner showing care and conscientiousness in one’s work or duties.
Example sentence: “She worked diligently to achieve her career goals.”
In a genuine or real manner.
Example sentence: “She spoke authentically about her struggles, inspiring others to do the same.”
Thoroughly or completely.
Example sentence: “The report comprehensively covers all aspects of the issue.”
In a manner that is emphatic or loud.
Example sentence: “The team won resoundingly, with a score of 5-0.”
In a tasteful and stylish manner.
Example sentence: “She presented her ideas elegantly, capturing the audience’s attention.”
To anticipate or await eagerly.
Look forward to
Example sentence: “She looks forward to the opportunity to meet her role model in person.”
To be noticeably different or better than others.
Stand out
Example sentence: “His leadership qualities really stand out among his peers.”
To regard with a feeling of superiority or disdain.
Look down upon
Example sentence: “It’s important not to look down upon those who are less fortunate.”
To fulfill or realize something in one’s life.
Live out
Example sentence: “She dreams of living out her passion for travel by exploring the world.”
Referring to someone who possesses the qualities of a good role model.
Role model material
Example sentence: “With his determination and compassion, he’s definitely role model material.”
Performing exceptionally well in one’s field or endeavor.
“On top of their game”
Example sentence: “As a CEO, she’s always on top of her game, leading her company to success.”
Someone or something to be taken seriously due to their strength, influence, or capabilities.
“A force to be reckoned with”
Example sentence: “The young activist is a force to be reckoned with in the fight for environmental justice.”
The best or most talented individuals in a group or category.
The cream of the crop
Example sentence: “Only the cream of the crop is selected to represent the country in the Olympics.”
To make a special effort or exert oneself beyond what is required.
To go the extra mile
Example sentence: “She always goes the extra mile to help her colleagues succeed.”
To act in accordance with one’s words or beliefs.
To walk the walk
Example sentence: “As a leader, it’s important to not only talk the talk but also walk the walk.”
To provide guidance or inspiration to others.
To be a guiding light
Example sentence: “Her wisdom and compassion make her a guiding light for her friends and family.”
To share similar qualities or characteristics.
“To be cut from the same cloth”
Example sentence: “The two siblings are cut from the same cloth, both excelling in academics and sports.”
To do something in a new or different way, often defying convention.
To break the mold
Example sentence: “Her innovative approach to problem-solving truly breaks the mold.”
To take the initiative in a movement or effort.
To lead the charge
Example sentence: “She’s always the first to lead the charge when it comes to advocating for change.”
Cultural phenomenon
A person with profound knowledge or expertise in a particular area.
Example sentence: “He was a savant when it came to computer programming, writing complex code with ease.”
Firm and resolute; not faltering or hesitating.
Example sentence: “Despite facing criticism, she remained unwavering in her commitment to social justice.”
Possessing admirable qualities such as honor, integrity, and generosity.
Example sentence: “Her noble actions during the crisis earned her widespread praise and admiration.”
Having the power to affect or change opinions or actions.
Example sentence: “The influential artist used his platform to advocate for social change.”
To stimulate or excite someone into taking action.
Example sentence: “His impassioned speech galvanized the crowd to join the protest.”
To give someone the courage or confidence to do something.
Example sentence: “Her supportive words emboldened him to pursue his dreams.”
To clarify or explain something; to shed light on a topic.
Example sentence: “Her research illuminates the complexities of human behavior.”
To gradually but firmly establish an idea or attitude in someone’s mind.
Example sentence: “Parents strive to instill values of honesty and respect in their children.”
To encourage the development or growth of something.
Example sentence: “The mentor sought to foster a sense of creativity and innovation in his proteges.”
In an unyielding or persistent manner.
Example sentence: “The team pursued their objectives relentlessly, refusing to give up.”
In a way that cannot be doubted or questioned.
Example sentence: “His achievements are indisputably impressive, earning him widespread recognition.”
With great care and perseverance.
Example sentence: “She studied assiduously for the exam, determined to excel.”
In a way that is inherent or essential to the nature of something.
Example sentence: “Kindness is intrinsically linked to our humanity.”
To develop or mature into a particular role or identity.
Grow into
Example sentence: “Over time, she grew into a confident and capable leader.”
To assume or take on a role or responsibility.
Step into
Example sentence: “After his mentor retired, he stepped into the role of team leader.”
To be genuine or authentic.
To be the real McCoy
Example sentence: “Her kindness is the real McCoy; she genuinely cares about others.”
To be someone or something new, different, and refreshing.
To be a breath of fresh air
Example sentence: “His innovative approach to problem-solving was a breath of fresh air.”
To be competent or skilled in one’s field.
“To be worth one’s salt”
Example sentence: “As a teacher, she’s worth her salt; her students consistently excel.”
To be a good and honest person.
To be the salt of the earth
Example sentence: “Despite his wealth, he remained humble and down-to-earth, truly the salt of the earth.”
To understand and empathize with someone’s experiences or perspective.
To walk in someone’s shoes
Example sentence: “Before judging others, it’s important to walk in their shoes and see things from their point of view.”
To provide guidance or inspiration to others.
To light the way
Example sentence: “Her words of wisdom have always lit the way for me during difficult times.”
To be in control or in a position of authority.
To be in the driver’s seat
Example sentence: “As CEO, he’s in the driver’s seat, guiding the company’s direction.”
To provide sensible and logical advice or guidance.
To be the voice of reason
Example sentence: “In times of crisis, he’s always the voice of reason, helping us find solutions.”