Rogers Flashcards
what does Rogers work focus on (2)
- focuses on self rather then ‘selves’ of the individual
- suggest we have 3 selves→ which need to integrate to achieve self actualisation
what are the 3 selves Rogers talks about
- self concept
- ideal self
- real self
define sc
way you see yourself
define rs
who you actually are
define is
self you wish to be
what does rogers mean by sc (2)
the self that can be described as the self you feel you are→ similar to self esteem
if one has low self esteem thus will have low self concept with distorted view of their capability
what does rogers mean by rs (3)
- third self⇒ person you actually are not what you think or wish you are
- difficult self to demonstrate bc concept of subjective experience means everyone will perceive or judge everyone diff
- logically means ascertaining real self is problematic
what does rogers mean by is (2)
- who you’re aiming towards becoming or possible you’re already there
- way to see if someone is working towards ideal self is if they say ‘i wish i’
what did roger assume to achieve self actualisation (2)
person is fully functioning⇒ so have opportunity to strive for self actualisation & actually doing so→ not something that occurs by chance
being able to pursue your potential means you're fully functional so barriers that occur in environment or within are overcome
define congruence
when your selves→ specifically self concept and ideal self are same or broadly match each other
define self
ideas & values that characterise ‘i’ & ‘me’ + include perception & valuing of ‘what i am’ & ‘what i can do’
what does rogers mean by congruence
self actualisation achieved necessary to be congruent⇒ ideal self and real self are same/similar
difficult to achieve thus many don't realise full potential⇒ don't become self actualised
- what did rogers believe was important part of achieving congruence
unconditional +ve regard = some point in their lives someone has to be loved for who they’re by someone & accepted without proviso→ can be from parent, friend, family member etc or what rogers argue is a therapist⇒ wherever from it needs to be achieved
what is an example of condition’s of worth scenario
child feels they need to attain high grades in school for parents to accept & love them→ feel they wont be loved fully unless meet requirements
this feeling could be gained: overtly: from being told by parents indirectly: seeing sibling cause parent disappointment bc of poor grades
define condition of worth
requirement individual believes they must have to meet to be loved
Also know as conditioned +ve regard condition's of worth can be real or perceived by individual
if you’re experiencing condition’s of worth what are you not experiencing
unconditional positive regard so self actualisation even more difficult to achieve
define unconditional +ve regard
total acceptance received from another person