Rocks, Weathering, Erosion And Soil Flashcards
Metamorphic forms when
Existing rocks are changed by heat and pressure
Three types of rock
Metamorphic rock forms
When existing rocks are changed by heat and pressure
Sedimentary rocks are formed when
Existing rocks break down into sediments
Weathering is the process
In which materials on or near Earth’s surface break down and change
The two types of weathering is
Mechanical and Chemical weathering
Affects weathering
Roots of trees
Put pressure on rocks by wedging themselves into cracks
Rock outer layers stripped away over time
Chemical weathering is the process
Where rocks and minerals undergo changes in their composition
Acid rain
Caused by human activity- acid causes damage to all
Factors influencing chemical weathering
Type or rock
Determines how weathered it can be
Factors influencing chemical weathering:
Temperature also influences
How quickly weathering occurs
Other influences on rate of weathering
Rock type/ composition
Surface Area
Igneous rock is found in the
Upper mantle and lower crust
Igneous rocks:
Magma cooling and crystallizing uner the earth’s surface
Magma cooling and crystallizing in the earth’s surface
Intrusive and extrusive
Metamorphic forms by
Heat and pressure
Classify metamorphic rocks
Ciliates- show layers and bands of minerals
Non- foliated- show blocky crystal shapes