Rocks and Building Materials Flashcards
What are the main uses of limestone?
- As a building material (blocks)
- To make calcium oxide
- To make cement
How is conrete made?
By mixing cement with sand, aggregate, and water
What kind of reaction occurs when calcium carbonate is heated?
Thermal decomposition.
What products are made when calcium carbonate is heated?
Calcium oxide (CaO) and carbon dioxide
What products are formed when metal carbonates are heated strongly?
A metal oxide and carbon dioxide
What products are formed when metal carbonates react with acid?
A salt, water, and carbon dioxide.
A Bunsen burner flame cannot get hot enough to decompose which paticular metal carbonates?
Sodium carbonate and potassium carbonate.
Why is limestone damaged by acid rain?
Because the calcium carbonate in the limestone reacts with the acids in the rain to form salt, water, and carbon dioxide.
What is the chemical name for limewater?
Calcium hydroxide solution
What can limewater be used to test for and how does this work?
Carbon dioxide. The limewater turns cloudy as it reacts with the carbon dioxide to produce insoluble calcium carbonate (which is what the cloudiness is).
Draw a diagram showing each stage of the lime cycle.

How is cement made?
Limestone is mixed with clay and heated strongly in a kiln. The product is then ground up to make a fine power.
How is mortar made?
By mixing cement with sand and water
What is mortar used for?
Holding bricks and blocks together in buildings
What is aggregate made out of?
Small stones or crushed rock.
Complete the sentence:
________ can be poured into moulds before it sets to form a _____ _____.
Concretecan be poured into moulds before it sets to form a hard solid.
What do we depend on limestone for?
Building materials. Cement and conrete are needed in most buildings
What are the disadvantages of quarrying limestone?
- Dust and noise
- More traffic
- Loss of wildlife habitats
- The environment is permanently changed
- Often cement works are built nearby. These use large amounts of land and energy to heat the limestone with clay in large kilns.
What are the advantages of quarrying limestone?
- More employment for locals
- Once quarries are no longer used, can be turned into new wildlife habitiats or used for rock climbing
- Improved roads/infrastructure
- Currently the only way of getting limestone needed