Rocks Flashcards
What are the rocks broken down by?(4)
Wind,ice,rain and frost. In colder parts of the world rock are also broken down by glaciers
How are sedimentary rocks formed?
Sedimentary rocks are formed over thousands of years,and of small pieces of rock that have been broken down.
What are the little bits of rock and sand called ?
The little bits if rock and sand are called sediments.
How is soil formed?
Rocks weather over time and form into soil.
How do rocks break down more quickly?
Rocks break down quicker if the climate is very hot or very cold.
What do most rivers begin in?
Most rivers begin in slopes,hills and mountains.
What happens overtime to rocks?
The rocks are eroded and broken off.
What is the type of rock is found at the bottom of rivers,lakes and oceans?
The rock found at the bottom of lakes,rivers and oceans is called sediment.
When do sediments settle to the bottom?
When the water slows down is when sediments settle to the bottom.
True of False: rocks are also weathered by wind?
- wind blows across the land
- wind picks up sand and dust
- moves along in big clouds
- sand is blown against large wind and mountains
- tiny broken pieces becomes soil
Sedimentary rocks formed by water
Over time layers of sand and mud at the bottom of lakes and oceans and turns into sedimentary rock.
What are the layers in some sedimentary rock called?
Name the typical sedimentary rocks?
Sandstone,limestone and shale.
Many parts of the Karoo have….
Shale split into layers.
Describe Sandstone?
Sandstone is made of grains of sand pressed together send it looks and feels grainy.
Describe limestone?
Shells of shellfish settle to make limestone.
Describe shale?
Shale is compressed mud that has been put down in different layers and easily breaks down in flat flakes.
Rocks info
*earth has layers of cold,hard rock
*layers of rock thickest under continents
*structure of earth hot melted rock in the centre and skin of cold hard rock
* the 3 types of rocks
#sedimentary rock
#igneous rock
#metamorphic rock
What are igneous rock made of?
Igneous rocks are formed of hot melted rock in the centre of the earth.
Igneous rocks
The melted rock cools down to form the igneous.
Igneous rocks are very hard and dark in colour.
Igneous rocks do not have layers.
Mixture or grey,white and black that gives it the spotty look.
Igneous rocks are forms of crystal,that’s why they sparkle.
They often look old and spotty.
No layers but big masses of igneous rocks.