Rock Types and Landforms - Definitions Flashcards
Bedding plane
The surface that separates each layer in a sedimentary rock
A white rock forming mineral made of pure calcium carbonate. It is a common cementing agent in limestone rock
Calcium bicarbonate
The substance formed when calcium carbonate dissolves in water. It exists only in water, not as a dry solid.
Calcium carbonate
A white insoluble solid occuring naturally as chalk, limestone and calcite. It also forms mollusc shells and coral.
Large caves
Hollows and tunnels that from underground in karst regions
The flat blocks of limestone rock in a limestone pavement that are separated from each other by grooves called grikes
The structure formed when a stalactite and stalagmite grow to meet each other
The conical hollows formed on the earth’s surface when cave roofs collapse
Sheetlike deposits of calcite formed where water flows down the walls or along the floors of a cave
Grooves in the surface of a limestone pavement caused when vertical joints are deepened and widened by carbonation
Vertical cracks in a rock
Small hollows and pits on the surface of a clint in limestone pavement
A region of bare limestone rock containing clints and grikes
A rock that allows water to pass through its joints and pores
A non porous rock that allows water to pass through its joint
Another name for a column, formed when a stalactite and stalagmite grow and meet each other
Resurgent stream
An underground stream that reappears to the surface
A carrot shaped formation of calcite that hangs from the roof of a cave
A mound of calcite that forms on the floor of a cave
The process of erosion where dissolved limestone is carried away in rainwater
Swallow hole/disappearing stream
The point/hole in the ground where a surface stream or river disappears underground
Turlough/seasonal lake
Temporary winter lakes that disappear in summer. They form on low-lying areas of limestone, which become flooded in wet weather through the welling up of groundwater from the rock. The temporary lakes dry up or disappear in summer as the water table drops.
Water table
The level below which the ground is saturated with water