Rock Structure and Landforms Flashcards
What is rock structure?
Rock structure is the arrangement of rocks brought about by folding and faulting.
What are tectonic forces?
Tectonic forces continuously deform the rocks of the lithosphere by squeezing, stretching, bending and breaking them.
Name the 3 different types of force involved in rock deformation.
What is compression?
Compression squeezes and shortens a body of rock. It may result in folding and/or faulting.
What is tension?
Tension lengthens a body of rock. It results in faulting in the rock.
What is shearing?
Shearing deforms a rock body so that one side is forced to slide past the other. It results in faulting in the rock.
What are the 4 different types of fold?
Simple fold
Asymmetrical fold
Overthrust fold
What is a simple fold?
Both of the limbs of the anticline have the same degree of slope.
What is an asymmetrical fold?
The slope of one limb of the anticline is greater than the slope of the other limb.
What is an overfold?
The strata in one limb have been tilted beyond the vertical. The order of some strata has been reversed, with older strata lying on younger strata.
What is an overthrust fold?
The rock has sheared and one limb is pushed forward over the other so that the rock strata are no longer continuous.
What are the 3 main parts of a fold?
Anticline - upfold or arch
Syncline - downfold or trough
Limb - two arms of the fold
Name 3 major periods of fold mountain building.
Caledonian (old fold mountains)
Armorican ( old fold mountains)
Alpine (young fold mountains)
What is orogeny?
Orgeny is a major period of fold mountain formation, during which orogenesis (mountain building) occurs.
What causes faulting?
Faulting is caused by the forces of compression, tension and shearing.