Rock And Fossol Records Flashcards
What are changes the result of
Geologic processes
What did James Hutton in 1795 write
The theory of the earth
Do the geologic processes remain uniform or do they change over time
They remain uniform
What is the theory of uniformitarianism.?
A principle that states that the same geologic processes shaping the earth today have been at work throughout the Earth’s history
What is catastrophism
The principle that states that all geologic change occurs suddenly
Scientist were eventually one over and supported_________.
What is a compromise between the two
Theory of actualism
Most geological change is _______ and ________.
Uniform and gradual
________ Happen and can cause major changes in brief amounts of time
What is relative dating
Determining whether an object is older or younger than the other objects
States that older rocks form on the bottom and newer rocks on the top of the older layers
An ideal sequence of rock layers that contained on and fossils and rock formations on earth arrange from oldest to youngest
The geologic column
What is the geologic column created from
Many different observations and information gathered over time, combined to one resource
What is the geologic column used for
Interpret different rock sequences
A break in the earths crust where the pieces of crust slide along one another
When rock layers are slanted without folding
A surface that represents a missing part of the geologic column
What do unconformities represent
Time that wasnt recorded
What could unconformities be from
Not forming or from a layer being eroded away
What is absolute dating
A process of establishing the age of an object by determining the number of years it has existed. Finds and absolute age.
Atoms of the same element that have the same number of protons, but a different number of neutrons.
Most isotopes are________.
Radioactive isotopes change and______________________.
Break down into stable isotopes
How can isotopes help determine an objects age.??
Measuring the amount of radioactive isotopes vs stable isotopes
What is radiometric dating
Determining the absolute age of a material by comparing stable and radioactive isotopes.
What is a half life.???
The time it take for half of a radioactive sample to decay or become stable.
What is a fossil
Any naturally preserved evidence of life
Minerals fill in pore spaces of an organisms tissue
When an organisms tissues are completely replaced by minerals
Organisms preserved by being covered by tree sap which hardens and forms amber
Fossils in amber
Organisms dry out in very dry climates and cannot decompose
What is a trace fossil
A naturally preserved evidence of animal activity
Preserved animal dung or feces
A type of fossil formed on the ground from the organism being pressed into the ground
A fossil formed when the organism has decayed and sediment fills in the mold fossil
A nonrenewable resource formed from the remains of plants and animals that lived long ago
Fossil fuels
Most common solid fossil fuel
Thick liquid mixture of hydrocarbons
Gaseous mixture of hydrocarbons
Natural gas
The only rocks we have from this eon are from meteorites on the moon
Hadean eon
Earliest known rocks on earth formed during this eon
Archean eon
The first organisms with well developed cells appear
Proterozoic eon
People animals are first found in this eon.!!
Phanerozoic eon
Aquatic animals , amphibians, insects. Ended with a mass extinction . 90% species died.
Paleozoic era
Age of the reptiles, dinosaurs, some birds, and small mammals by the end of the era. 50% species died . Triassic, jurassic, cretaceous
Mesozoic era
Age of the mammals. We live in this era. Many mammals from early in the era are now extinct.
Cenozoic era