Robotics Flashcards
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What is programming?
A sequence or set of instructions
History of Programming
What happened in 1947?
Assembly Language, the language of computers, was created
ex. binary
History of Programming
Who created Assembly Language?
Kathleen Booth
History of Programming
What happened in 1972?
C (Language) was created
History of Programming
Who created C (Language)?
Dennis Ritchie
History of Programming
What happened in 1979?
C++ was created
History of Programming
Who created C++?
Bjarne Stroustrup
What are the Arduino Fundamentals?
- variable
- data type
- syntax
- function
Arduino Fundamentals
What is a variable?
A named storage location that holds a value or data
Arduino Fundamentals
What is a data type?
Classification of data tells compiler how data will be used (?)
Arduino Fundamentals
What is syntax?
Grammar in programming
Arduino Fundamentals
What are the naming rules of the variable?
- can contain letters, numbers, cannot start with a number
- must not use reserved words
- variables are case sensitive
- can only use underscore for special characters
Arduino Fundamentals
Data types
- Integer - represent whole no. numeric data
- Float - represent numerical data for no. with decimals
- String - text strings are composed of a group of letters and special characters
- Character - like string, but accepts 1 character/letter
- Booleon - holds one/two values; TRUE/FALSE
Arduino Fundamentals
Syntax symbols meaning
; { } () / /CODE/
; (semicolon) - signifies end
{} (curly braces) - group of code statements
() (parentheses) - group of arguments for a function
/ (single line comment) - [to add]
/CODE/ - [to add]
What are the main functions (and their uses) used in Arduino?
- voidSetup() - set up
- voidLoop() - repeats process
- digitalRead() - command that read value
- digitalWrite() - changes value
- If-Else Statement - [to add]
- delay() - allows you to stop Arduino from doing anything
What is a flowchart?
Graphical representation of an algorithm
Flowchart symbols?
- terminal (oval) - indicates start, stop, and halt
- processing (rectangle) - arithmetic instructions
- input/output (parallelogram) - like a variable
- decision (diamond) - represents a decision point