Robert Browning: Religion and Doubt Flashcards
What factors increased the prominence of religious conflicts in novels in the 1840s?
Oxford Movement, well-publicized conversions to Catholicism
What was Tractarianism?
The belief in Catholic doctrinal authority as absolute and support for John Henry Newman’s ‘Tracts for the Times’ (1833-41)
James Eli Adams on the subgenre of historical fiction concerning early Christianity which essentially mirrored contemporary religious controversy
“In every instance the setting licensed often gruesome violence … and hints at the powerfully masochistic energies undergirding mid-Victorian religious discipline.”
Which decade in Victorian history saw widespread crises of intellectual faith?
Andrew Dickson White’s phrase summarising competing religious and scientific views.
“the warfare of science with theology”
Josef L. Altholz on the closed-mindedness of Victorian clergymen
“A closed mind had become, as much as the black coat, part of the professional equipment of a clergyman.”
James Eli Adams on the outlooks of evangelicals (specifically Wilberforce)
Saw life as ‘an arena of constant moral struggle’.
Hilary Fraser on religion and art
Victorian art was ‘a proliferation of religio-aesethetic theories designed to reconcile the claims of Christianity and beauty, morality and art.’
Kirstie Blair on the poetic perception of religious worship
‘religious worship and devotion in all its forms was frequently read as poetry’
Robert Browning’s explicit positioning of Sordello as a Shelleyan counterpart
‘Sordello only cared to know/ About men as a means whereby he’d show/ Himself, and men had much or little worth/ According as they kept in or drew forth/ That self’.
Robert Browning in an interview with W.G. Kingsland
In his monologues, ‘all the incidents are imaginary’
What was German Higher Criticism concerned with?
Using historical-critical methods of criticism on Biblical manuscripts
Alfred Domett on Browning’s statement of religious belief, 1873
Browning admitted to loving Byron’s poetry ‘as a Christian(!)’
‘I never heard him, I think, avow his “Christianity” distinctly in his own person except on this occasion’
John Stuart Mill’s critique of Pauline, Browning’s first published work
Condemned the poet’s ‘intense and morbid self-consciousness.’
Juliana Ludick on the periods of Robert Browning’s life
‘Two events in the life of Robert Browning, his marriage to Elizabeth Barrett … in 1846 and her death in 1861, easily divide his work into three period.’
Sushmita Roy’s understanding of Browning’s philosophical thought before Christmas-Eve and Easter-Day
‘man must recognise the limitations of his own powers.’