Road Safety - Part 1 Flashcards
How many people die in australia due to road crashes?
4 die
550 injuries
48000 crashes
Is the road traffic injury problem man made problem?
What are the desired transport outcomes?
- Safer Transport to support safer communities
- Efficient and effective transport to support industry competitiveness
- Environmental management to support environmental conservation
- accessibility to promote equity and social cohesion
What is the ranking for vulnerability of injury
Higher to Lower
Car Occupants
Which states has the highest road toll?
From highest to lowest
What is externality?
Transaction is an impact on a party that is not directly involved in the transaction
Something that impacts others (crash costs whole community not just individual)
What percentage of human factors contribute to road crashes?
95% for human
What is the biggest factor of injury?
What is Haddons Matrix?
a Matrix which provides an analysis framework
Phases: Before Crash, During crash, After crash
Factors : Human, vehicle, road
How is cost of crashes calculated?
- Human Capital
2. Willingness to pay
What are the components to human capital cost?
- Health, injury costs
- Expenses of death
- Vehicle and property damange
- emergency services
- legal costs
- loss of future earnigns
costs QLD $2.5M
What are the components of willingness to pay
How much youre willing to pay to avoid being killed
- Estimating value individuals attach to human life
What is vision zero?
Cannot build a new piece of infrastructure that could kill someone
To fund this:
Fines, restrictions, higher costs
What is the road safety strategy?
Exposure control Crash Prevention Injury Control Behaviour Post injury
What is the safety engineering mindset?
Mobility - a function of traffic safety
Crashes have multiple causes
Systematic analysis of reliable data