RM Study Guide Flashcards
During reassembly of the m4 carbine what is the first thing
that should be reassembled?
Buffer and buffer spring
What is the first action you must take when preparing to zero
the bore light to the weapon?
Ensure the weapon is clear
When you determine the bore sighting reference point which
direction should you rotate the bore light?
Counter clock wise
True or False: Soldiers who have not met grouping standards must have their
problem diagnosed by a drill sergeant and receive training prior
to a second attempt at grouping?
What type of ammunition should be used during dry firing
and other training?
Dummy AB46 rounds
How far does the target box need to be?
10 to 25 meters
What are the 6 primary carry positions?
Hang, safe hang, collapsed low ready, low ready, high ready, ready or up
What are the characteristics of the m4?
Max range 3600m, Area 600m, Point 500m, Weight loaded 7.50 Unloaded 6.40, Length 33 fully open, 29.75 closed.
In BCT single and multiple target EST what is the instructor
to student ratio?
When correcting a malfunction of a m4 what are the two
actions a firer must take?
Immediate and Remedial action
True or False: A stabilized failure is when the soldier fails to control the
movement of the hand during the arc of movement adequately
support the weapon system and achieve their natural point of
What dry fire drill is associated with correcting a
malfunction of a m4 carbine?
Dry fire drill 6
What are the 4 fundamentals of RM?
Trigger squeeze,
Steady position
What dry fire drill is demonstrated safe handling of m4
carbine rifle?
Dry fire drill 1
What is the standard the firer achieves when performing the
dime/wash drill?
6 of 6 consecutive shots from the prone unsupported positon
What are the 2 ranges that BRM period 4 may be conducted
Known distance and Automated filed fire
True or False: The natural best point of aim is defined as the point where
the barrel naturally orients when the shooter muscles are relaxed
and support is achieved?
How many rounds does each soldier fire in order to conduct
field fire 1 and 2 on EST?
54 each for a total of 108.
True or False: For corrective fire position is it okay for the soldier to fire
from the magazine supported?
How far to determine the soldier dominate eye?
5 Feet
Bore light of the buis must be set at what distance?
300 Meters
If the visible laser of the boresight cannot be located at 10m
target or cant be seen bore line must be moved to what distance?
2 Meters
True or False: When conducting maintence the __ to apply the lubricant
heavily enough so that it can be spread with the fingers?
What are the number of rounds and firing positions for field
of fire 2 EST?
10 prone supported,
22 rounds prone supported, 22 prone
Total 54
What is weapon readiness when described? Weapon on safe,
magazine with ammo inserted, round chambered, ejection port
What are the 3 firing positions that are used during record
Prone supported,
Prone unsupported,
Who is responsible for the overall operation of the range
before, during and after live fire?
What are the 2 ready positons?
Low and high ready
When does immediate action not work?
After 2 attempts
What are the 3 types of ballistics?
What is the purpose of point, post and sprawl?
A good prone positon
During LOMAH shooting what distance should target be?
175/300 meters
What is recommended weight for a soldiers fighting lead?
30% of soldiers body weight
During the aiming process what should the firer’s eye be
focusing on?
Tip of the front sight post
When grouping and zeroing during RM 3 what is the
8 out of 10 rounds in two consecutive 5 round shot groups
within a 4cm circle
Support 8 elements of a steady position?
Leg position, center of gravity, firing elbow, non-firing elbow, firing hand, non-firing hand, butt stock, stock weld
After rm 7 when transferring from buis to cco dry fire drills
__ will be reinforced utilizing the CCO?
Fire drills 1-6
How many rounds are allocated for each soldier during
BRM period 6?
120 rounds
What are the 4 functional elements of the shot process?
Control, and movement
What dry fire drill demonstrates safe handling and
fundamentals of marksmanship?
Dry fire drill 2
What dry fire drill is executed the kneeling supported and
unsupported positions?
Dry fire drill 4
What dry fire drill executes the prone supported and
unsupported positon?
Dry fire drill 3
What dry fire drill is engage targets with m4 carbine CCO
during close quarters marksmanship?
Dry fire drill 8
What dry fire drill is demonstrate safety and the
fundamentals of marksmanship when employing the CCO?
Dry fire drill 7
What dry fire drill is soldiers will demonstrate the proper
barrier shooting techniques prior to combat shooting RM12?
Dry fire drill 9
What dry fire drill is load and unload the m4 carbine?
Dry fire drill 5
What is the minimum standard soldiers must achieve for
BRM period 6 multiple and practice qualification with the
23 out of 40 for both
What are the 3 parts of trajectory?
Line of sight,
Line of bore,
Path of bullet
When conducting a battle march what is the distance and
pace to be maintained during the foot march?
4 miles at a 17 to 18 minute mile with no rest or breaks.
What are the 8 types of ammunition?
Dummy, tracer, Blank, Armor piercing, Short range training, Ball, Special ball long range, Close combat mission capability
How is the point system established for the battle march and
Produced internally by the first sergeants, sgms, and
commanders to fit and meet the need of the unit.
Which __ describes the purpose of the firer calling the shot?
Helps the firer focus on the front sight post not the target during
the firing process
Who many rounds are allocated for each soldier during
BRM period 14?
40 rounds
What are the 3 phases of the shot process?
Pre shot,
Post shot
What are the rules of fire arm safety?
Treat every weapon as if it is loaded, never point weapon at
something you don’t intend to destroy, keep finger straight off
trigger until ready to shoot, ensure positive identification of the
target and its surroundings.
elements of aim?
Weapon orientation, Sight picture, Sight alignment, Point of aim, Desired point of impact
What is the purpose of the M15A1 aiming card?
How to aim at a target center mass, how to adjust the point of
aim, how to allow for gravity, how to engage a moving target
True or False: Stability is provided through these 4 fundamentals support,
muscle relaxation, natural point of aim, and recoil management
True of False: When firing the M68 the reason the soldier will have to
adjust their stock weld is because the M68 is higher that when
shooting utilizing the BUIS?
What category of ballistics is best described by the following
statement? The time the firing pin strikes the primer to the time
the bullet leaves the muzzle?
Internal ballistics
The following statement, lightweight 5.56, magazine fed,
gas operated, air cooled, shoulder fired rifle or carbine best
describes what weapon?
The M4 carbine
What are the cycle functions for the m4 in order?
Feeding, Chambering, Locking, Firing, Unlocking, Extracting, Ejecting, Cocking
What is the purpose of the point, post and sprawl?
To begin assuming good prone firing position
Weapon readiness status is described by these color
conditions what are they?
Green, amber, and red
True or False: You have performed immediate action twice and have
experienced a stove pipe round or double feed and the weapon
has not fired you should now preform remedial actions
When does the time stop for the battle march and shoot drill?
When the last soldier in the platoon stands up
True or False: Sight alignment is the relationship between the aiming
device and the firer’s eye