Rivers - Glossary Flashcards
What is a source?
The point at which the river begins.
What is a mouth?
The end of a river and the point at which it flows into the sea or a lake.
What is tributary?
A smaller river that flows into a larger river.
What is a confluence?
The point at which two rivers or streams meet.
What is a river basin?
The area around a river which drains into it.
What is a watershed?
A large area of land that has many water systems.
What is a channel?
This is the outline of the river, the shape in which it flows.
What is a floodplain?
A flat area of land around a river that is prone to flooding.
What are sediments and silts?
Tiny specks of sand found suspended in water and transported before deposition.
What is a delta?
A large, shallow body of water formed when mass deposition results in sediment build up.
What is a load?
These are the objects which a river is carrying. Could be large rocks or or tiny sediment.
What is a V-shaped valley?
A natural feature formed by a river as it erodes downwards and sideways.
What is a meander?
A bend in a river.
What is an oxbow lake?
Formed when a meander cuts itself off which leaves a crescent shaped scar on land
What is volume?
The amount of water carried in a river.