Rivers Flashcards
How does a river form?
Start in upland areas because you get relief rainfalls which is caused by the shape of the land.
what is long profile?
Shows how river gradient changes as the river moves from its upper coarse to its lower coarse.
What do we get in the upper course?
Steep gradient
v shaped valley due to vertical erosion
River is narrow, shallows and turbulent (frothy and shaky bouncing off rocks)
Large bedload (rocks and boulders) - mainly transportation
What do we get in the middle course?
Gentle gradient
Wider valley+ flat floor ( lateral eriosion and deposition)
has smaller material in the load (pebbly) - transportation
What do we get in the lower course?
Very gentle gradient
very wide valley and flat (mostly deposition)
deep river
has mainly suspended load (suspension)
mostly deposition on river mouth ( estuary
name the erosion types
Hydraulic action/impact
What are the transportation types?
What is a meander?
Meanders are bends in a river usually found in a rivers middle course. They are natural features formed by erosion and deposition.
What is the formation of meanders?
- The water in the river flows fastest on the outside bend and wears the river away (thalweg) this causes increased speed and increased erosion /hydraulic action and abrasion)
- The slowest flowing part of the river is on the inside bend. This is where it deposits it’s load of alluvium. Meanwhile on the outside bend the riber continues to cut into the bank.
- the result is that the river bends more and more
- Oxbow lake is formed when the neck of the meander gets narrower. The river then cuts through the neck and shortens in leaving behind old river which is cut off by deposition. ( crescent shaped lake)
What does the erosion and deposition in river create?
River cliff - outside bend causes undercutting of the bank
Slip of slopes - gentle slope of built-up sand and shingle
What is a bluff?
Furthest point at where the river once had been which created a rise in land eitherside.
Will urban areas be at risk of flooding?
Urban areas are likely to lead to flooding because the water will not infiltrate in the ground.
More overland flow so river discharge will increase.
Rural areas and flooding.
Covered in farmland and rainwater can soak into the land. - water gets to the river slowly and decreases chance of flooding.
Trees intercept - if trees are cut down the rain wont go to the trees but will go straight to river. Increases the river discharge -flooding
Tractors dig the field up when crops are picked. - mini channels and directs water quickly to river.
What are the factors that cause flooding.
What are some affects of drainage basin and precipitation in a flashy hydrograph?
Rainfall intensity - exceed infiltration capacity of vegetation and lead to rapid overland flow
Urbanisation - encourage rapid water transfer due to geology.
Relief - steep slopes lead to rapid water transfer.
What are some affects of drainage basin and precipitation in a low flat hydrograph?
forest slow down water transfer through percolation.
gentle slopes slows down
permeable rock encourage slow transfer by groundwater flow.
What are some examples of hard engineering?
Dams and reservoirs
channel straigtening
flood relief channels
What are some examples of soft engineering?
Flood warning
flood plain zoning
planting trees
river restoration.
What are the costs of hard engineering?
Very expensive to install
people need to be re-homed
high maintenance
catastrophic accidents
What are the benefits of hard engineering?
Can boost tourism
provide hydroelectric power - good investments
limits flood risk
more economic and social impacts
can provide habitants for animals on river banks.
Soft engineering costs
restricting use of land = impact house prices
not everyone can take action - no access to social media
many locations already have buildings on flood plains
doesn’t actually stop flooding
Soft engineering benefits
reduce impermeable surfaces
increases biodiversity
low cost and educational
natural look
broad vegetation can intercept water
preserving green space