Ritual And Religion Flashcards
Learned patterns of thought and behavior characteristic of a particular social group
A kinship group whose members assume, but need not demonstrate, descent from a common ancestor
The assumption that ones own groups lifestyle, values, and patterns of adaptation are superior to all others
A set of acts, usually involving religion or magic, following a sequence established by tradition
Independence; being self governing, self directed
A descriptive term for something worthy of religious respect or veneration
A descriptive term that is explicitly not related to religion or religious beliefs
A string of small coral islands that seals off or partially encloses a lagoon
A communal beer drinking on occasion amount the Xhosa of southern Africa
A generic name for alcoholic drinks traditional,y made from fermented palm or coconut shoot sap
A South African cultural group belonging to the Bantu language family. The Xhosa were traditionally farmers in the regional division of labor
Behavioral ecology
An ecological and evolutionary approach to understand animal behavior in terms of how animal behavior contributes to an animals or species survival/evolutionary fitness
A general term describing a cooperative community whose members collectively share property, labor, and income
Intragroup solidarity
A measure of in-group social cohesion
A collective settlement owned and operated by members who eschew private property in service to the well-being and sustainability of the community itself. While they may not earn money for their work, members typically received housing, clothing, educational, opportunities, food and medical services.
Signaling theory of ritual
A theory which predicts that groups that impose the greatest demands on their members will elicit the highest levels of devotion and commitment.