Final -definitions Flashcards
Cost signaling theory of ritual
Religious groups that required a lot from members eliminate the need for gate keepers, by making membership requirements so difficult, that only the true believers would put up with them
Behavioral ecology
Examines how actions adapt one for survival/fitness in ones environment
Natural selection
Individuals with traits making them more able to survive, are selected for by their surviving to mate and pass on these traits to future generations
Demanding religious groups
Religions which require great sacrifices of time, money, resources, strict behavioral codes to be accepted as members
Group lives/works together sharing property in common
Group cooperation
Need to work together for max success and group survival - survival of individuals is dependent upon the group
One type of commune located in Israel, may either by religious or secular in nature.
Gate keeper
Need to watch whether would be members actually towing the line, or attempting to be free-loaders on the work of others to get group benefits
Products, people, ideas gouging around the world, rather than remaining local
Epidemiological transition
Population level changes in disease patterns and transmission due to changes by humans in their environments and change in pathogens
Barriers to care
Factors preventing access to needed care, like prejudice, racism, language, distance, costs, beliefs, etc.
Infectious disease
Sickness that can be transmitted from one person to another in one or more of following ways: by air, blood, mucous, touch, semen, breast milk, vector, etc.
Idioms of distress
Folk illness that represent particular life problems through particular bodily symptoms that are culturally recognized in context
Disease vector
Organism that carries pathogen from one individual to next, tick, flea, mosquito
Microbe bacteria, virus, fungus, etc causing diseases
Medical anthropology
Studies health and sickness as it is recognized and treated around the world, how it interacts with other parts of culture, ethnomedicines, how each encodes cultural values.
M.A. Version of disease
Clinically measurable biological deviation from normal, usually diagnosed by a dr
M.A. Version of illness
Patient/families experience of symptoms of a problem
M.A. Version of curing
Ending the disease; bring body back to clinical normal
M.A. Version of healing
Ending or transforming the experience of a problem for patient/family w/ or w/o symptom change
Ex. Of disease without illness
Early stage of cancer, HIV, high blood pressure
Ex of illness with out disease
Ataque de Nervious, bewitchment
Ex of curing without healing
Chemotherapy kills cancer but makes you feel terrible
Ex of healing without curing
Religious healing experience, visionary state, believe you are better
Hierarchy of resort
Order in which care is sought from amount all available sources of help.
Explanatory model
Individuals ideas re-symptoms, cause, severity, likely course and outcome, who best can treat
Illness narrative
Story of a particular sickness, within the context of patients life history, what was done about it, how it affected patient outcome
Health/help seeking
Decision making process guiding choices as one goes through a hierarchy of resort
PRITI program
Taught Bono native healers basics of a western primary care, diet, sanitation, hygiene, to reduce hospital of burden and make basic care more accessible at the village level
Explanatory model
Individuals ideas about what counts as symptoms, causes, severity, potential course and outcome, diagnosis, and who best can treat; gets negotiated
Hierarchy of resort
Order in which help is sought from among all available sources of help for a particular problem
Biological changes from clinical normal, verified by lab tests; dr diagnosis
Patient/families experience of symptoms of a problem; diagnosed by a traditional healer
Ending a clinically recognized deviation from normal; return to clinical normal; dr.
Ending or transforming patient/family’s experience of a problem with or with out symptom change; traditional healer
Idioms of distress
Culturally recognized way to be sick to symbolize life problems that can’t be expressed directly
Illness narrative
Story of a particular illness episode, what was done about it, how it affected ones life history
Health/help seeking
Decision making process in finding someone to treat a problem.
Barriers to care
Anything that prevents access to needed help, like racism, enthocentrism, religious beliefs, money, distance
Sickle cell anemia
Having both alleles for this disease, so that on has many collapsed WBC and will die young
Sickle cell hybrid
Having one allele for this disease and one normal one, so that only some white blood cells collapse; confers malaria resistance
Program to teach basic western primary care to bono indigenous, healers, and sanitation, hygiene, nutrition, etc
Lingua Franca
Common language used for trade/business, understood by all
Focus of cultural/racial differences, demarcation of us vs them
Where 2 different groups meet and interact, a hybrid cosmopolitan experience - blurred areas in between, ethnic purism, fast changing cultural scene.
Healing drama
Co-constructed story co-acted, used to relate to each other and motivate a child to do difficult/painful things by comparing them to superheroes
Epidemiological transition
Big shifts in overall human disease patterns, due to changed in patterns of human residence, technological developments, and travel, leading to evolution of pathogenic microorganism with humans
Study of disaster patterns and transmission/prevention
Thrifty phenotype
Expression of genetic tendency to horde fat in times of abundance for future energy needs in times of scarcity
Thrifty genotype
Genetic tendency to horde fat in times of abundance in case of future food shortages for energy needs
Damaged social status/reputation, less valued socially
Waist to hip ratio
Takes into account central body fat, is more harmful pattern than Peripheral fat for health risks
Sexual/gender dimorphism
Usual differences between men and women in height and weight
Hunter-gatherer diet
High fiber, little fat or sugar, lots of plant proteins, lean game, insects, roots, nuts, seeds
BMI of greater than 30 or 120% of ideal body weight
110% of ideal body weight
Conspicuous consumption
Spending excessively to show ones wealth, or remaining thin through having a spa cuisine chief and personal trainer.
Disease of civilization
Obesity, cancer, hypertension, circulatory problems, diabetes, and other chronic disease
Body mass index
Weight divided by height squared
World health organization, an institutional branch of the UN w/ primary leadership and support on global health issues
Expert model of service delivery
God complex of western trained medical personnel due to long years of studying-training; assume they know it all and won’t learn anything from listening
Won’t listen to/comply/follow the recommended treatment prescribed for that problem
Mad local, adjusted to the culture/ethnicity of the group using it
Virus which causes human immune system to gradually become compromised
Acquired immune deficiency syndrome, one is easily over come by common minor health problems and can’t fight them off; eventually fatal.
Disease at a higher than normal incidence within a particular localized population
Infectious diseases
Sickness than can be transmitted from one person to person via one of various methods: airborne, mucus, blood, etc.
Widespread region or several regions have higher than normal incidence of a particular disease
Diseases reaching a balance and usually present within a pop affecting part of it at any one Time with some recovered and immune
A UN program w/ global partners who advocate and work to achieve universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, and care
Backup, virus, fungus, or other disease causing agents, often microscopic
Disease vector
Something carrying sickness from one to another individual, like a mosquito for malaria
Herbalist healer
Give herbal treatments for health problems; may give naturalistic explanations for sickness
Divine medium
Eradicate spirit possession, diagnosis through accessing hidden knowledge, via rituals, technical methods, or channeling spirits
Explain sickness in terms of spirit possession, witchcraft and sorcery, or envy
Caused by impersonal, natural causes,temperature, body imbalance
May mean black magic - an amulet or talisman, typically of African origins, worn or otherwise Carrie as protection against disease and evil
Mercenary anthropology
One who will fight or do studies for or side with whomever pays the most; negative view by opponents of anthropologist role in the military
Human terrain team
Consists of a team leader, an are specialist, a social scientist, and a research manager, where the social scientist is typically a civilian. Conducts original ground-level research and consults existing literature to summarize conclusions to counsel to military commanders
Village elders council/discussion of situation acknowledgment all points of view
Operation Khyber
A 15 day drive to try to clear-out Taliban insurgents out of Paktia Province, secure southeastern Afghanistans main road, and stop suicide attacks on American and afghan troops
Anthropological ethics
To not cause harm to those populations studied
Sacred values
Core values like religious freedom, rights to a homeland.
Material/instrumental values
Rights to food, drink, basic shelter and safety, right to life.
Material concessions
Granting of land, supplies, food, essentials for living
Symbolic concessions
Official statement issued acknowledgment s groups right to exist and have their own state; or apologizing for past wrong done to them by other governments
Devoted actors
People are so committed towards their own beliefs and core values, that they will give up their lives to fight for them rather than live without them
Rational actor model
Assumes people act in own self-interest towards survival and practical life improvement
Hmong status in the US
Refugees and veterans of Vietnam and Laotian secret wars, who helped CIA/US military during these wars
Hmong clan elder role
Person who decides if one can get medical treatment, who guarantees marriage partners support in case of death of spouse, etc.
Hmong shaman role
Spiritual healer who travels to spirit world to bargain for captured spirits return, to call a spirit to enter a newborn, or who guides the spirits of the dead back to their homeland/birthplace
Generational conflicts for Hmong
Desire to keep traditional religion/custom vs desire to Americanize/assimilate and practice Christianity
Clan exogamy
Must marry outside of the clan
Single-interest relationship
Relationship on only one level
Kpelle moot
Informal non-binding hearing, open to all interested, held in complainants house, with relative acting as mediator
Multiplex relationship
2 people have several different overlapping relationships, like neighbors, student-teacher, and boss-employee
Oversees a hearing, keeps order, but decision is non-binding, no power to enforce
Relatives in patralineage
Oversees formal court hearing, with power to enforce decision
Moots therapeutic traits
Support, denial of reciprocity, manipulation of rewards, and permissiveness
Forcing groups to stop fighting by outside intervention and imposition of law
Ways moot differs from formal court hearing
Who runs it, actions taken, ethos, types of punishment imposed, how binding decision is, who backs it up, outcome.
Informal dispute-settlement mechanisms
Nuer leopard skin chief, and kpelle moot
Cases in which formal court is effective
Possession of illegal charms, burglary, assault or murder by unrelated parties
Cases for which the kpelle moot is effective
Marital disputes, inheritance quarrels, other family matters
Denial of reciprocity
Insults/anger expressed is not returned in kind
Allowing one to say things not normally allowed without penalty.
Manipulation of rewards
Granting/withholding social approval
Groups concern, interest in outcome/resolution
Polycephalous society
Many headed state, with multiple chiefs at same level agreement to associate together with no head chief
Affinal kin
Relatives by marriage; in-laws
Consanguineal kin
Blood relatives
Cross-cutting ties
Affinal, trade, and friendship relations
Western good introduced that led fighting to reemerge
Steel axes and salt
Body farm
University of Tennessee Anthropological Research facility
Forensic anthropology
Legal application of methods from physical anthropology
Forensic entomology
Study of insects in legal context
Cadaver dogs
Dead body sniffing dogs
Peudalistic pose
Pose body normally seeks with arms/legs bent when burned
Ground penetrating radar
Corporate culture
The ethos, personality, ways of doing things of a company hat remain the same, across different branch locations
Frame analysis
Paying attention to nested or competing frames of references of different participants who may have conflicting agendas at different branch locations
Corporate anthropology
Research within a business setting examining roles,behaviors, efficiencies, policies, training, foreign interactions, relationships
Repeated social interactions engaged in for a common purpose by different individuals: acts as a microcosm of the larger industry
Rite of passage
3 part structure of rituals marking transitions, including separation, liminality and reintegration
Design ethnography
Examines consumers interaction with products, gives feedback to producers on how to improve product to better met users needs
Those who produce the images and artwork in advertising
Assigns numbers to quantify qualitative data, so it can be analyzed, indicated repeated themes, reveals patterns
Account managers
Ad agency business-oriented executives who understand and are more similar to the client
Social networking analysis
Looks at density of interconnections among different individuals to see who is central, who is more isolated, where communication could be improved
Reading the room
Gagging reactions of those interacting, reading body language, tone, expressions
Good meeting
Meeting in which client and ad company agreed on tactic and were able to move forward to next stage.
Productive meeting
Disappointing meeting in with nothing was accomplished
Embodied knowledge
Acts your body does without conscious thought in best way
Ethnographic observation
Structured way of watching interactions, taking detailed notes, perhaps every few min to record min detail of which actor may not be aware
Commodification of domestic labor
Turning tasks women of household use to do for family for free paid job for outsider
Domestic labor
Cleaning, care taking, cooking
Can save money on rent, utilities, food, transportation, but never really off work
Advantage to have privacy, time off that is really time off, a separate place to go; disadvantage is cost of rent, food, Tavel, utilities
One of the family
Such treatment can be an advantage to relive social isolation of foreign worker, or can lead to being taken advantage of because one is assumed to understand their situation
Female household head employs another women and sees self as benevolent, other woman as child-like
Ugly American
Assumes everyone should speak English and do things the American way
Advisor in the foreign culture who will be honest when you make mistakes and advise you on how to do things properly
Phrasing things to put fault on ones lack of understanding of others system
Willingness to try new ways or new order in which to do things
Used as a framework to make sense of data inductively, not forced into place
Decentralized farmer collectives (CPCs)
Voluntary collectives that are below the village level, which poor performing people can be kicked out of after 3 years to reduce risk of max profit
Brain drain
Educated people going else where they can profit better, rather an helping their home towns
Organization pooling resources for access to loans, production, and marketing of goods, mutual support, benefits, and risk sharing.
Cash crop
Crop raised for sale, rather than subsistence
Government financial ad given to essential industries that would otherwise not be profitable
What does fair trade certification involve?
Farmer collectives must avoid chemicals, or practices harmful to the environment, and find sustainable growing methods; while buyers must guarantee a min fair price to farmers
Fair trade certification promises farmers?
Provides small farmers with access to markets, guarantees a fair min price, promotes community development, education, environmentalism and healthy living
Fair trade certification promises to the consumer?
Provides consumer a closer relationship to small producers so mor money goes in the producers pocket without price inflation cause by middle men’s involvement
Diversification of farm production
Growing of several different types of crops, some for export and some for subsistence and raising livestock for local market to improve chances that something will be successful
Direct marketing
Product goes from product to consumer without middle man
Products like food or fuel which can be traded for money and other things
Farming promoting biodiversity, without use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides and promotes environmental protection
Importance of the Shaman
Possessor of important oral information on plant uses identification, preparation, healing rituals
Social justice
A philosophy/approach of laws and values which promote an egalitarian, fair, and harmonious society
Death of a shaman
Like a library burning down, but worse because the is no duplication of info contained therein-it will be lost unless taught to the next generation
Hunter-gatherer group in Paraguay who was suppose to benefit from the creation of Mbaracayu reserve
Shifting horticulturalist and yerbaterks,and hunted in Paraguay
Time period when plot of land must rest to recover its fertility before new crops can be planted
Shamans apprentice project
Program designed to get native youth interested in learning ancient healing botanical wisdom from elderly shamans
Virgin forest
Land trout to be untouched by humans
What is foraging?
Living by being hunter-gatherers - finding wild plants and animals to eat rather than raising ones own
Shifting agriculture
Moving around to use different plots of land while some plots Re recovering their fertility
Importance of preserving the rainforest
Source of unknown number of potentially useful plants for healing and industry, which cannot be replaced if destroyed
Small rainforest clearing in which more than 70+ planted are plants above and below ground, where main crop is corn
Planted tree garden
Intermediate stage when land recovers its fertility while being managed to produce fruit and nut tree crops and root crops plus raw materials
Slash ad burn farming that cute down overgrowth, and burns it, so ash can enrich the soil to grow crops
Extensive farming done with only man power, like a machete and digging stick, no chemical fertilizers
Uses draft animals and/or machinery to plow fields and chemical fertilizers to grow crops extensively
Studies indigenous use of plants by native people
Significance of Alkaloids and Bitters
Has active chemicals that may be helpful or poisonous; helps identify useful plants