RIT Flashcards
Day SVFR weather minimum for Lowe Southwest and Lowe Northwest corridors is
500 - 1/2
AC operating on the Lowe West and Southwest Corridors must do what?
Monitor Enterprise Municipal Airport UNICOM (common traffic advisory freq) 122.6
Avoidance of chicken houses, livestock, and recreational areas by at least ________.
1,000ft slant
Maximum AS for all Lowe corridors.
100 KIAS
Lowe AHP Emergency or Precautionary Landing Area is
North and South Hover Areas
When would you MONITOR a RT frequency?
-When at the RT
-Within 3k and below 800ft MSL
Position reports to Holmes Radio every _______.
30 mins from the time of initial contact.
Flights outside the training area are flown no lower than
500ft AGL
IERW (initial Entry Rotary Wing) and AAT (Advanced Aircraft Training) flight time D/N/NG/H/W will be limited to
2.4hrs per student
(Engine start) Landing light must be turned on by
At least by starting engines, with position lights bright/flash
Min Cairns observed and forecast weather at ETD thru one hour after ETA required to conduct VFR training during the day?
Min forecast ceiling you would need to legally depart out of west corridor?
Corridor altitude is 800 out 1000 in Day/Night 1300out / 1500in
Anti collision nights NVG/N operation
-Both on prior to engine start
-Both on during shutdown till blades stopped turning
-lower can be turned off:
a. When flying at the same stage field with aided traffic (mandatory for aided AC)
b. For hover work and operations within a confined area. (Aided AC may turn off both upper and lower anti-collision lights)
Formation lights operation.
Required for N/NG single and multi-AC operations at all times position #5
Position lights operation
-Set to Flash Bright prior to engine start
-Set to Steady Bright prior to taxi
-Set to Flash Bright prior to and throughout engine shutdown until rotor stops
May be set to Dim for aided flights upon arrival to stage field and during operations below 200ft AGL in local flying areas.
Landing light or search light in Norm Mode
On prior to and throughout engine start, stage fields, ground ops, and corridor ops(until clear of the corridor and transition)
On and stowed prior to and throughout engine shutdown until rotor blades have stopped
Stagefield call
Stagefield tower banjo 26(wake up)
Stagefield tower banjo 26, UH-60, AC 1234A(NG flight no letter), ADP 47Y010, two POB, ACP134, inbound for landing.
RT radio procedures(below 800MSL)
3-10k advisory
1k short final
Requesting landing direction and traffic
RT radio procedures(below 800MSL)
3-10k advisory
1k short final
Requesting landing direction and traffic
SVFR Corridors
SW Corr D 500 1/2 N 500/1
NW Corr D 500 1/2 N 500/1
E Corr D 300 1/2 N 300/1
Min weather for ground movements ie ground taxi, hover taxi, air taxi.
300 1/2
SEF restrictions (setting up)
AC must be below critical TQ and within min/max AS range
RT: not conducted below 200’ AHO
-PCL shall be in the FLY position prior to 200’ AHO
-IP’s hand shall remain on the ENG PCL when out of the FLY Position
Lockout restrictions
-can’t place to lockout below 200’ AHO while in flight
-while in lockout may descend below 200’ AHO and cont to land
- IP/Student hand shall remain on PCL in lockout
-AC shall not be landed on sloping terrain in lockout
AFCS Restriction
AC shall not be landed on sloping terrain with AFCS off
Stagefield TSO is needed when?
3 or more AC
RT coms requirement when transitioning near a RT
Within 3k and below 800’ must monitor RT freq.
Corridor airspeeds
Max 100
Must arrive 1hr prior to valid effective time of the TWA
Multi AC operations Stagefield
Departure and arrival only
Lowe SVFR multi AC Operations
Engine Start Abort Criteria
If within 45 seconds no increase in
-TGT (light off)
-Engine Oil Pressure
-Engine Starter On caution disappears before reaching 52%NG
-TGT reaches 851 before idle is attained (above 63% NG)
Max AC Hover Areas & RT2
North 8
South 8
East 2
West 2
RT2 6
Unaided AC operate no lower than
800’ MSL
Stagefield radio procedure
Wake up call, then
Skelly TWR, Tesla 83, UH60 2345A(buzz letter only day), ADP 47Y010, two POB, ACP134 inbound for landing.
Flight following radio Procedure
Wake up call, then
Holmes Radio, Tesla 83, UH60 2345, 2 POB, departure LOWE for SKELLY
RT Radio Procedures
3-10k call
RT400, Tesla 83, 5km North, requesting landing direction and traffic.
Tesla 83, RT400 landing 030, one aircraft in RT and another short final for landing.
1k call
RT400, Tesla 83, 1km north, right traffic, landing 030
Stage field dimensions
2 miles wide 1400ft vertical
South low level altitude
100ft AHO
*at night you do not contact Cairns
Stagefield dimensions
2 miles wide, 1400 vertical