FD/DCP/FMS Flight Director/Display Control Panel/ Flight Management System Flashcards
Airspeed under ______ will disengage the FD
FD will engage at _____kts and above
Describe GO-ARND Mode
Wings level, 750 FPM ROC, 70kts AS. Once 70KIAS and 750FPM GO ARND will automatically disengage and IAS AND VS modes will engage.
Describe DECL Mode
ILS Deceleration, pitch command to slow to 70KIAS by 200ft AGL using the decel mode 0.5 kts per sec deceleration.
Describe VS
Vertical Speed Hold 0-2000fpm engaged above 50KIAS
Describe RALT
Radar Altitude Hold, 0-1500ft AGL
Describe ALT
Barometric Altitude Hold engaged above 50KIAS
Describe HDG
Heading Hold, engaged above 50KIAS
Describe IAS
Airspeed Hold, engaged above 50 to 150KIAS
Describe FMS NAV Mode
FMS Flight Plan Navigation, Roll command to follow FMS flight plan. Can be coupled above 50KIAS
Describe VNAV Nav Mode
FMS Vertical Navigation
Describe VOR Nav Mode
VOR Navigation, can be coupled above 50KIAS
Describe LOC Nav Mode
ILS Localizer, Roll command. Can be coupled above 50KIAS. Should ARM when on course.
Describe GS NAV Mode
ILS Glideslope, Collective command. Can be coupled above 50KIAS. Should be ARM when on course.
If it shows BC it’s greater than 105 degrees off course
Describe HVR DECL
Decelerate to Hover, 60KIAS or less at either 1.5 2.5(default) or 3.5 kts/sec selectable by pilot.
Describe HVR POS
Hover Position Hold, Maintains GPS Position over the ground.
Describe HVR VEL
Velocity Hold Mode, Holds ground speed up to 60kts fwd(Flt dir will couple airspeed at 60KIAS) 20aft, 20lateral
Horizontal Situation Indicator (HSI, located lower center of PFD)
3 sub modes are:
FULL - Full rose HSI mode
ARC - Arc map mode
HVR - Hover mode
Horizontal Situation Indicator (HSI, located lower center of PFD)
3 sub modes are:
FULL - Full rose HSI mode
ARC - Arc map mode
HVR - Hover mode
Z Axis plunge airspeeds
60-80 = 80kts
80-120 = your current A/S
>120 = 120kts
What happens when you Z Axis plunge below 60kts
You will go into HOVER MODE
What would you push to do a standard rate turn in flight?
Collective Trim Beeper L/R, (standard rate, 15% of true airspeed.)
This method flys (standard rate turn, does not hold heading
In flight what does the Cyclic Trim Beeper do.
You can beep it into a turn. Whatever you put in it will hold that turn. You must take it out, it doesn’t reset or hold heading.
How many waypoint can you put in the FMS?
999 waypoints
How many waypoints can you put in a flight plan.
99 way points
How many flight plans can you have?
99 flight plans
How does target store work?
Target stores A through Z minus A and O, rewrites at T, B through S are protected