Risk Factors Flashcards
Placenta praevia
Uterine an omalies
>5 pregnancies
1) Previous severe onset pre-eclampsia
2) Age >40 or teenager
3) Family history (mother or sister)
4) Obesity >30
5) Primi(nulli)parity
6) Multiple pregnancy x5
7) Long birth interval >10
8) Pre-existing
- Hypertension
- Renal disease
- diabetes
- Antiphospolipid syndrome
define Post-Partum haemorrhage
Blood loss of >500ml from genital tract within 24hr delivery
Causes of PPH
Tissue - Retained placenta
Thrombolytic - vWBd, Factor V deficiency
Trauma - Genital tract trauma
Tone - Uterine atony
Risk factors for PPH
ANTENATAL 1) Previous PPH 2) Increased BMI 3) Para 4 or more 4) Maternal age >35 INTRAPARTUM 1) Prolonged labour 2) C-section
Risk factors for IUGR
Maternal - Hypertension/Cardiac disease
Uterine anomalies
Multiple pregnancy
Placental insufficiency - Pre-eclampsia, placenta accrete
Smoking Substances (smoking/cocaine/alcohol)
Genetic abnormalities
Congenital infection - CMV, toxaplasmosis, rubella
Congenital abnormalities - gastrochisis, teratology of fallot
Causes of APH
- Unexplained
- Placenta praevia
- placental abruption
- Maternal ectropion
Vasa praevia
Waters break with blood - painless
- Leakage of fluid
- Potter sequence
- Post dates pregnancy
- Crhomosomal abnormalities
CABLE Chromosomal abnormalities Anencephaly Bartter's Syndrome Limb abnormalities Eosphageal atrea, duodenal atresia
50/10,000 - uterine rupture with vbac
1/10,000 - uterine rupture with repeat c-section
With induction risk of uterine rupture increases massively
Breech birth
Elective c-section protective
CS reduces neonatal mortality and short term morbidity
Important points for pregnant women
Folic acid
- 400mg folic acid OR 5mg if epilepsy
Diagnosis of pregnancy
Nausea & vomiting Frequency of micturition Excessive lassitude or fatigue Breast tenderness Fetal movements or quickening
Acute pelvic pain
Early preg - Ectopic preg - Miscarriage - Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome PID Ovarian cyst Mittelschmerz Pregnancy complications - Fibroid degeneration Primary dysmenorrhoea