Risk Behavior Flashcards
Is a possibility of harm and putting something in danger
Risk behaviour
Refers to the specific forms of behavior that are proven to be associated with increased susceptibility to a specific ill-health
Risk factors
Is the biological, psychological, and socio-economic behaviors associated with increased susceptibility to a specific ill-health
Four levels of ecological system approach
- Individual
- Interpersonal
- Community
- Society
Person-centred interventions
Work with individuals and groups to promote health-protective behavior and enhance resilience
Situation-centred interventions
Focuses on creating environments with protective factors that enable individuals and groups to practice healthy behaviors
The individual level
Used for understanding risky behaviors including knowledge, attitudes, beliefs etc
The health belief model
Was developed with the purpose of understanding why people don’t participate in public health programmes offered
6 constructs that influence how a person act
- Perceived susceptibility
- Perceived severity
- Perceived benefits
- Barriers
- Self-efficiency
- Cues to action
Stage-of-change model
Framework used to study addictive behaviors
5 stages of change
- Precontemplation: unaware of risks and no intention to take action
- Contemplation: aware of the risks and considering to act but no action taken
- Preparation: Formulating small steps towards changing behavior
- Action: investing time and energy in their actions of changing behavior
- Maintenance: avoiding stressors
Theory of reasoned action
A person’s intentions to carry out a behavior is determined by the attitude towards that behavior, the beliefs of others, and subjective norms
Theory of planned behavior
Include elements of perceived behavioral control
Perceived behavioral control
The belief that you have control of your behavior
Interpersonal level
Behavior is influenced by people’s interactions with others in their social world