Rise of the Nazis Flashcards
When was the Nazi newspaper set up, what was it called?
December 1920: VOLKISCHER BEOBACHTER set up, as the Nazis became more popular
When did Hitler become the Chairman of the Nazi party?
July 1921.
How many members did the Nazi party have at the time of the Munich Putsch
What happened in the Munich Putsch?
8 November 1923: Hitler and 600 SA members stormed a public meeting in Munich, declaring national revolution
9 November 1923: a march into central munich was blocked by Police.
16 Nazis killed in a street battle
Why can the Munich Putsch be argued to be a success?
Feb-March 1924: Hitler’s trial gave Hitler a platform to express his views. He was only given 5 years imprisonment for treason.
What was the Bamburg conference?
Feb 1925
- Obedience to Hitler
- Fuhrerprinzip
- Adherence to the Programme of 1920
How did Hitler use the SA to increase his support?
Summer 1926 Von Pfeffer appointed their leader, their main role was now rallying and training.
How did Hitler establish Fuhrerprinzip?
1926 Established Hitler Youth
1927 Some Gauleiters replaced.
Effect of the Young Plan?
1929 joined the Reich Committee for a Referendum to Oppose the Young Plan
- Included Hugenburg
- Gave national exposure
What was the Revolt of the SA?
March 1931 Walter Stennes and SA members rebelled against orders of legality
Revolt wasn’t supported by SA members
Crackdown on SA, as a result
Why was the economic collapse help the Nazis?
1931: economic collapse turned the attention of the Nazis away from their division, and the problems with street fights, etc., that the SA were causing.
How did the Nazis do in the Presidential elections do in 1932?
Doubled their vote share, but this wasn’t enough to defeat Hindenburg.
What was the reaction to the increase in street fights by the SA?
April 1932: Emergency decree banned the SA and SS, due to street fights and rumours Hitler planned to stage a coup if he won Presidency.
However, this rule was undermined by a whispering campaign by Schleicher.
When was the ban on the SA lifted?
16 June 1932: ban overturned by Papen, under the condition that the Nazis would support the new cabinet.
When did the Nazis become the largest party in the Reichstag?
July 1932 elections, but Hitler wasn’t immediately made Chancellor because he didn’t have an outright majority?
What did Hitler do as a result of not being made Chancellor, despite being the largest party?
September 1932: Vote of no confidence in government.
November 1932: next election - Nazis remained largest party and with the ZP, could vote down any government.
What was Hindenburg’s initial idea to appease HItler?
Offered Strasser the vice-chancellorship.
Hitler forced Strasser to resign, after he accepted the offer.
What was the final agreement on appeasing Hitler, as he now lead the largest party?
30th January 1933
- Hitler as Chancellor
- Papen as Vice Chancellor
- Hitler surrounded by a coalition cabinet of moderates who Hindenburg approved of
- > Blomberg as Minister of Defence
Why did the Enabling Act come about?
27 Feb 1933 Reichstag building set alight
28 Feb 1933 Decree for the Protection of People and State to limit liberties
What did the Enabling Act do?
March 1933 Hitler proposes to transfer Parliament’s power to government for 4 years.
23 March 1933: Reichstag met to vote on it: KPD weren’t let in, and to avoid the SPD voting it down, Hitler allied with the ZP.
Causes for the Night of Long Knives.
July 1933 Hitler announced the end to the revolution., to appease the civil service and big business on which his support rested.
The SA, and Ernst Rohm, began calling for a second revolution - half of the SA were working class, and many of which were radical socialists.
Hitler no longer needed them, he wanted to appease the elite, and they were now growing beyond control to 3m members.
What happened in the Night of Long Knives.
30 June 1934 The Night of Long Knives
- Rohm and some SA leaders shot
- SA threat eliminated
- Schleicher and Strasser killed
- > 300 dead
Consequences of the Knight of Long Knives?
- Army took oath of allegiance
- SA disarmed. Its purpose was now to attend rallies
- Emergence of SS
- Hitler secures political supremacy.