Coordination, Propaganda, New Plan, 4 Year Plan Flashcards
What did Hitler do to the regional Parliaments?
March 1933: dissolved regional parliaments, he reformed them to allow for Nazis to dominate. they would not meet under the Nazis again!
What did Hitler do to Unions?
2 May 1933 Trade Union premises occupied by SS, funds confiscated, leaders sent to camps (e.g. Dachau), absorbed into the DAF
What was the DAF
State Union, led by Robert Ley
22m members, but it was an instrument of control, didn’t represent workers interests.
Couldn’t negotiate working conditions or wages.
What happened to parties?
28 Feb 1933 KPD banned
June 1933 most parties, including the DNVP, banned. ZP lasted another month.
14 July 1933 The remaining parties had dissolved - there was no more opposition. So the Law Against the Establishment of Parties was created.
What was coordination known as?
How successful was coordination by 1934?
Advanced, but not complete
Big business and Church remained, for the most part, independent.
Civil service and army only partially coordinated - Hitler needed them on side to ensure it was a Revolution from Above.
What were the problems with Fuhrer power?
- Government and laws emerged haphazardly
- Hitler was dependent on his subordinates to put policies into effect
- Hitler’s attitude towards government wasn’t conducive to effective leadership.
How little was government called?
-> summoned Cabinet only 4 times in 1936
When did Hitler formally agree something?
Hitler did authorise T4 in 1939 - the only thing he ever signed however, and most was simply operated by the Fuhrer nod
Who was the head of the Chancellory, and what was his role?
-Draw up legislation
-Link between Hitler and other organisations
He struggled as it was hard to coordinate the growing number of often contradictory organisations
Why were different ministries put under pressure?
They often clashed
-> Economics Ministry clashed with the Ministry for the Four Year Plan
How were lawyers coordinated?
Had to join the Nazi Lawyers Organisation and make an oath of allegiance to Hitler from 1936
Some lawyers weren’t Nazis, and were not replaced, but most were
-> the Justice Minister, Gürtner, wasn’t a Nazi.
1939 Judges had to study National Socialism
How were courts coordinated?
1934 ‘People’s Court’, who’s jury were all Nazis, set up to try cases of Treason
-> Just under half the cases resulted in the death sentence
The SS were made to be above the law, and legal authorities were subordinate to them.
1941 Nacht und Nebel (night and fog) decree gave the SS power to imprison anyone.
What were the problems with the party?
-Became splintered.
Its organisations were of dubious political positions (e.g. the ministries were largely conservative)
-Structure based on Fuhrerprinzip - didn’t create effective government
-Gauleiters believed they were accountable only to Hitler.
How did party problems improve over time?
Bormann created the Department for Internal Party Affairs (discipline within the party)
How were the SS coordinated?
1936 Police powers unified under Himmler, Himmler became Reichsfuhrer SS
What responsibilities of the SS are given to what branches?
Policing -> general
Intelligence -> Gestapo, Kripo, SD
Treating opponents -> death’s head
Military action -> Waffen SS
How did the Nazis deal with opponents?
22 March 1933 First camp - Dachau - set up
Early 1934 many of the initial prisoners released. This was tactical to ensure those who had been imprisoned could say what it was like.
What were the Waffen SS?
Racially pure soldiers.
They were highly influential, powerful and anti Semitic.
By 1939, there were 250,000 members
Role of SS in security?
Policing and intelligence.
SS granted internal security the authority to crush opposition
Role of SS in military?
Waffen SS were a second army, and certainly rivalled the German Army.
They were deadly, and strong. It was thought that any battle fought by them was instantaneous win, but they weren’t as large as the real army.
Role of SS in economy?
Created the ‘New Order’ in Eastern Europe, by capitalising it.
They created a commercial organisation in Eastern Europe - 150 firms exploited slave labour for armaments etc.
What were the functions of propaganda?
- Glorify the regime
- Spread ideology
- Create Volksgemeinschaft
Use of radio in propaganda?
1933 Goebbels brought radio under party control with the Reich Radio Company.
-> dismissed 13% of staff
Created a ‘People’s Receiver’, so more people had access to it
By 1939, 70% of people owned a radio.
Broadcasting in public places, with Radio Wardens ensuring people were listening.