rise of persia 800-530 BC Flashcards
Who is the world’s earliest major source for ancient Persia?
As well as extant Persian inscriptions
When did the Persians enter written history?
800s BC
In cuneiform royal documents of the Assyrians (based in Nineveh - Iraq);
Assyrians encountered foreign people called the “Parsha” in the hill country east of Mesopotamia (western Iran)
What is the capital city of ancient Persia?
Located inland of the Persian Gulf
Where was Persia located in the modern world today?
Southwestern part of Iran
What was Persia’s major religion in 500s BC?
Zoroastrianism (form of monotheism)
God’s name: Ahuramazda
Prophets: Zoroaster
PAncient Persian culture
Mountaineering and horse riding
As well as gardening, landscaping, nature
Three essential lessons:
- Excel in horse riding
- Archery
- Never tell a lie
Compared to Greece, tricksters were admired and archery was looked down upon as a peasant’s skill and cowardly in battle
Two ancient Iranian ethnic groups
Closely related culturally and linguistically but not friendly to each other
Dominant ethnic group of ancient Persia
Based at city Ecbatana
Conquered a sizable empire stretching west, encompassing Uratru (Armenia) and east Asia minor;
- in alliance with Babylon
- end of Uratru kingdom
- Persians were subject people of Medes
The rise of King Cyrus 559 BC
Founder of Persia’s empire; hero
“Kourash” in Persian
Began career as hereditary local Persian rule and vassal of the king of Medes;
Revolted and overthrew the king
Established Persians as ruling Iranian caste over Medes
Expanded his new kingdom;
Started wars in Asia minor
546 BC western Asia Minor
Lydia was overlord of western Asia minor, including Greek regions - absorbed all cities in 560 BC
in 546 BC;
Cyrus attacked and captured Lydia;
Killed King Croesus;
Turned western Asia minor cities under Persian Empire province;
Lesbos, Samos, Chios - held out against Persia until they fell too under Persia;
Snuffed out Ionia achievement - becoming another tribute paying segment of Cyrus’ domain;
King Cyrus the Great
Reigned 559 BC - 530 BC
At age 40, he acquired the name King of the Persians upon his father’s death;
- When Persians were still subject people of Medes
- Later, he turned Median empire into the Persian empire after his revolt circa 550 BC
Conquers Asia minor as well as Greek cities in Asia minor;
- Conquered Lesbos, Chios and Samos after acquiring a navy through a conquest of seagoing people of the Phoenicians, Egyptians, and some other Greeks
Conquered all Greek colonies of the Black Sea
Start of Greek vs Persian wars of next 200 decades
What did subjugation by the Persians mean to the Asia Minor Greeks?
Persians were lenient conquerers;
Rule at distance if people do not resist and rebel
Subject people owed Persian king two things:
- Tribute: money paid yearly to the conquerer, to acknowledge submission and protection money
- Levies: “soldiers locally raised” .. supplied troops equipped in their traditional manner, to the Persian king, on demand (hoplites and navy ships for Greeks)
= steady drain of money + resources from the subject people
This was enough to end Ionia’s prosperity and achievement
Subjugation started at Lydia in 560 BC before Persians conquered it in 546 BC
Cyrus’ capture of Babylon
539 BC
Dismantled the kingdom
Turned it into provinces of the Persian empire
When did Cyrus die and who succeeded him?
530 BC in central Asia battle
Succeeded by his son
Son fell into a palace coup
Succeeded by Darius the First
Darius I, Darius the Great
Under him, Persian empire stretched to its greatest extent
- West to eat from modern Bulgaria to Pakistan
Reorganized Persia’s province (“satrapies”) system
Revised his realm into 20 vast provinces, each overseen by a Persian governor
Darius created Behistum Inscription around 500 BC - where some information about Persian satrapies come from
When did the Persians enter Europe?
circa 512 BC
Conquest of Thrace (non greek north Aegan region of Bulgaria)
Darius crossed the Bosporous sea on foot, with boats, and personally led an army north along the Black Sea’s west shore … going as far as the River Danube
At same time, conquered Greek region of Macedon
Darius withdrew and left Persian forces
Leaving behind a foothold in Europe - foot base to serve at anytime that Persia wanted to launch an attack into mainland Greece
[This came 22 years after 512 BC]