Rise of New Religions:Buddhism Flashcards
what are chaityalayas
Halls of Worship
What are Viharas
Monasteries and hall in it is meant for congregational prayer
Art and Architecture
Holy text
Causes of spread of Buddhism(6)
SImple Teachings
Vernacular Language
The Principle of Equality
Personality of Budhha
Role of Budhhist Sangas
Royal Patronage
what comes in tripitakas
Sutta Pitaka
Vinaya Pitaka
Abhidamma Pitaka
____talks about the life of Guathama Budhha
Jataka tales
two sects of Budhhism
About Hinayana(4)
old sect
foundation by budhha
follow teachings of budhha
Pali official language
about Mahayana(5)
new sect
after death of Budhha
Worship buddha in form of idol
perform rituals
sanskrit official language
What are Stupas
House Important relics of Buddha
tripitakas meaning
three baskets
in which language is tripitakas written
when and where was the first Buddhist council held and why
487(book-483)Bce in Rajgruha, capital of magadha-500 memebrs gathered teachings of buddha and compiled then into the tripitakas
when where and why was the 2nd Buddhist council held
387(book-383)bce at vaishali tried to remove differences between budhhist monks(ruler was kalashoka)
when & where was the 3rd buddhist council held
ashoka pataliputra
when where and why was 4th Buddhist council held
102 CE was held at Kundalavana(kashmir-shrinagar)(kanishka-ruler) tried to settele dispute ended with two sects- hinayana and mahayana
ahimsa means
no violence
Edwin Arnold called buddha as
Light of Asia
Buddha had no faith in(5)
Yajna(Ritual or puja)
Sacrifice and ritualism
caste system
idol worship etc
what is eight fold path also called as(2)
Middle path
what is in eight fold path
right faith
right conduct
right effort
right livelihood
right meditation
right mindfulness
right speech
right thought
why is the eightfold path also called the middle path
buddha hated too much dogmatic and worldly life of brahamanas and disliked the grim austerity of Jains
Symbol of Buddhism
Dharma chakra
desire can be averted by following ______or______
Eight fold path or path leading to end the suffering
teachings of Buddha
eight fold path and four noble truths
4 noble truths is also called as
Arya Satya
4 noble truths
1Worldly life is full of sorrow
2Desire is the root cause for sorrow
3When desire ceases. rebirth ceases
4Desire can be averted by following Asthangamarga(eightfold path
[deen sir]
1World is full of sorrow and misery or suffering or dukka
2Main cause for origin of suffering is desire
3This can be ended by averting or controlling desire
4Desire can be averted by following eight fold path or path leading to end the suffering
where was the first sermon held
Deer park near sarnath near banaras(varanasi)
sermon meaning
first sermon details
at deer park near sarnath near benaras(varnasi)
converted 5 brahamanas to buddhism
event is known as Dharma chakra parivartana or turning of the wheel of law
What is Dharma Chakra Parivartana
Turning of the wheel of law
what is the turning of the wheel of law called
Dharma Chakra Parivartana
Preaching of buddha
1st sermon
spent rest of life preaching for 45 years
established Buddhist sanga or order of the Bikshu
died in 487 bc at kushinagar(gorakpur) at 80 yrs
When and where did Buddha die and at what age
487 bce at kushinagar, gorakpur at 80 years
what did buddha establish
order of the Bikshu ro Buddhist sanga
At what age and where did buddha attain enlightment
Age 35 under pipal tree at gaya(531bce)(now maha bodhi temple-bodhgaya)
What does the word buddha mean
The enlightened one
What was buddha also called as
What is the meaning of thathagatha
One who has realised the truth
When and where was buddha born
Lumbini garden, nepal in 567(book-563) bce
What was the early name of buddha
Who was buddha’s father
King shuddhodhana
Chief of shakya clan of kapilvastu
What is the name of buddha’s mother
Stepmom name of Buddha
Mahaprajapati Gautami
Who did Buddha marry and when
Princess Yashodhara(Gopa and Mrigaja) at age of 16
Buddha’s son’s name
who was Charioteer who accompanied Siddhartha
What were the four great signs
Old man
Sick man
Dead body
What was the event where siddharta met the ol man sick man dead body and the ascetic called
The 4 great signs
At what age did siddhartha renounce the world
what is renounciation called
4 basic principles by Buddha
Satya- truthfulness
Ahimsa-Non violence
Astheya- Non stealing
Bramhacharya- Chastity
Stupas, Viharas, Chaityalayas
Statue of buddha at Amravati, Nagarjunakonda, Ajanta
Stupas in Sanchi, Amravati, Nagarjunakonda
Viharas and chaityas in Kanheri, Karle, Nasik
Gandhara art also developed