Rise of *Homo Erectus* - Out of Africa Flashcards
Sensu lato
H. erectus, H. ergaster
T: 1.8 mya - 30 kya
cranial cap ~ 880 cm^3
can lump erectus & ergaster
Pleistocene Climate Oscillation
- colder more variable climate
- makred by repeated glacial cycles
- huge volumes of water in continental ice sheets
- ## exposed land bridges connecting continents
T: 1.8 - 10 kya
“Ice Age”
H. erectus
skull/ cc
cranium > long, low, flat
sagittal keep
thick brow ridge, unibrow
skull back = pentagon
increase in brain size
H. erectus
broad, flat face
less prog. than H. habilis
projecting nose like modern human (nasal aperture facing down)
H. erectus
size reduction in all teeth
esp. molars
H. erectus
modern human like
increased stride > running, like humans
first homo w/ human-like proportions
* fully biped (post crania) - footprint fossils look exactly like modern human footprints
Turkana Boy
L: Africa
H. ergaster
estimated stature indicates significant increase in overall body size compared to A.
difference btwn ergaster and erectus
geographical location
H. ergaster - Africa
H. erectus - Asia
trait differences btwn H. erectus and H. ergaster
- no sagittal keel
- more rounded cranium top
- cc = 700-1067
- less thick brow ridge
- sagittal keel
- receding forehead
- cc = 800-1250
Acheulean Tool Industry
T: 1.6 mya - 200 kya
- more sophistcated tech
- intentionally symm. biface
- retouching, soft hammer percussion
what is the movious line
line that geographically separates H. erectus populations that developed Acheulean tools and those that didn’t
Movious line hyotheses
a. East Asian populations migrated out of Africa b4 Acheulean industry
b. EA populations lost A.C. because no suitable materials
fire importance?
cooking, warmth, cave occupation, predator protection
why out of Africa?
@ 1.8 mya
- tool increase & cog. cap increase = moving new environ.
- obligate long-range biped
- running after large game
- fire
expansion was earlier, but only visible at 1.8 mya
trends in Sensu lato
- cheek teeth reduction
- increased body size
- modern human-like limb proportions (long range biped)
- brain size increase
- Oldowan & Acheulean tools
- fire
- wide geographic distribution out of Africa
Homo florensiensis
L: Indonesia
* “Hobbits”, not early Homo or ‘Archaic’ H. sapeins
* no land bridges connected Flores island to mainland Asia, needed boat
H. florensiensis traits
- A.-like brain size, more vertical face
- ~3.5 ft tall
- A.-like wrists
- short lower limbs
- flat feet (no arches), long curved toes
H. florensiensis traits
- simple flake stone tools (Oldowan similar)
- evidence of butchery, hunting
- evidence of fire
- found at site w/ diverse fauna
H. florensiensis
small, why?
insular dwarfism - reduction in size of large animals when they get isolated in small habitats
* being small in absence of predators - selective adv b/c less resources needed
* observed in many species
H. florensiensis
where does it fit?
a. dwarfed lineage of H. erectus
b. descendant of remnant H. habilis or A.?
c. possibly missing lineage from H. habilis to H. sapiens