Primates Flashcards
Derived Traits (PoGO SSOBbeD)
P - petrosal bulla
G - grasping ability
O - olfaction, reduced
S - stereoscopic vision
S - social
O - orbital, enclosed; postorbital bar
B - brains, large relative to size
D - development periods = long
contributing factors to stereoscopic vision (all primates)
binocular vision - frontally facing eyes, accurate reach and depth perception
trichromatic vision
cues to form 3D vision - angle, shading, size
contributing factors to high grasping ability (all primates)
opposable thumbs
sensitive tactile pads on digits
nails, not claws
contributing factors to reduced olfaction (all primates)
lack of rhinarium (haplorrhines)
reduced olfactory region in brain
reduced nasal structure/ snout (in skull)
ancestral traits
generalized body plan
generalized dentition
locomotor adaptations
contributing factors of generalized body plan (ancestral, all primates)
retention of clavicle
2 bones in lower arm (radius and ulna)
5 digits
contributing factors of locomotor adaptations (ancestral, all primates)
vertical clinging and leaping
contributing factors of generalized dentition (ancestral, all primates)
contributing factors of dental adaptations (ancestral, all primates)
teeth in maxillary and mandible
bilaterally symmetrical teeth
Strepsirrhine Ancestral Traits (RUT)
R - rhinarium
U - unfused mandible
T - tapetum lucidum
Strepsirrhine Derived Traits (NPC)
N - nails, only claw = grooming, 2nd hindlimb digit
P - postorbital bar
C - tooth comb
Lorisoidea (strep)
L: Africa & Asia
Galagos & Lorises
D: varied - fruits, leaves, insects, small animals, birds
G: solitary or pairs
Galagos (lorisoidea, streps)
vertical clinging and leaping
Lorises (lorisoidea, streps)
Africa/ Asia
slow quadrupedal motion
reduced 2nd digit = strong wide grasp
Lemuroidea (strep)
L: Madagascar
D: varied diet, eat all
G: diverse - pairs, solitary, large groups
T: varied activity patterns, vertical clinging and leaping
Aye-Aye* (lemuroidea, strep)
D: wood-boring insect larvae
expect for thumb and big toe, all digits have claws → elongated and thin 3rd digit, functions like a skewer
large continuously growing incisors
Haplorrhine Derived Traits (eMBED, PC/O/SC, DP)
M - mandible, fused
B - brain size large
E - enhanced vision
D - diurnal
PC - postorbital closure
O - olfaction, reduced
SC - social complexity
DP - developmental periods, long
Tarsioidea (tarsiers, haplo)
L: SE Asia
Tarsier Promisian Traits (GUNS)
G - grooming claw
U - unfused mandible
N - nocturnal
S - small social groups
Tarsier (Derived) Traits (haplo.)
lack: TL, rhinarium, tooth comb
vertical clinging and leaping
large eyes
nocturnal predators of small vert.
Similarities in body plans - Platyrrhines and Cercopithecoids
hind = forelimbs
long tails for balance
shoulder blades on ribcage side
L: Central and South America
T: all arboreal, some prehensile tails
Aotus (platy., haplo)
EXCEPTION - only nocturnal monkey
Marmosets & Tamarins (platy., haplo)
L: Americas
D: omnivorous, insect/plant exudates
G: varied, one breeding female
T: male primary caregiver, twins common
Other monkeys (platy, haplo)
taxonomy debated
socially diverse
Capuchins (platy, haplo)
tool use
enhanced brain
Golden Faced Sake (platy, haplo)
dental adaptations for hard seeds
Spider Monkey (platy, haplo)
prehensile tails
highly suspensory
Cercopithecoidea (cata, haplo)
L: Africa, Asia
ischial callosities
- colobines & cercopithecines
Colobine monkeys (cerc, cata, haplo)
D: mature leaves
T: arboreal quads, leaping
Cercopithecine monkeys (cerc, cata, haplo)
D: omnivorous
T: semi-terrestrial/arboreal, cheek pouches, sexual swelling
Apes - distinguishable traits (BTN BDL/S)
B - large bodies
T - no tails
N - nests in trees to sleep
B - large brains
D - long dev. periods
L/S - locomotion, suspensory adaptations postcranium
Suspensory Adaptations (apes)
short hindlimbs, long forelimbs
mobile shoulder joint
shoulder blade on back
long curved fingers
Vertical clinging & leaping adaptations
long, powerful hind limbs
long flexible back
long grasping fingers
Gibbons & Siamangs (apes, cata, haplo)
L: SE Asia
D: mostly fruits
G: socially monogamous
Sex Di: little
T: brachiation, smaller apes
great ape shared traits
large bodies
suspensory adaptations BUT quad. on ground
Orangutans (apes, cata, haplo)
L: Borneo, Sumatra
D: highly frugivorous
G: monogamous
Sex Di: somewhat
T: mostly arboreal, quad, slow climbers
Gorillas (apes, cata, haplo)
L: Central/West Africa - rain forest
D: folivorous
G: ~20 individuals, dom. male
Sex Di: much
Chimpanzees (apes, cata, haplo)
L: West, Central, East Asia - rainforests, grasslands, woodland savanna
D: fruit, leaves, insects, bird eggs
G: multi-male/female
Sex Di: somewhat
T: male bonding, female aggression, aggressive, lethal raids, tool making
Bonobos (apes, cata, haplo)
L: Dem. Repub. of Congo - lowland rainforests
D: ~chimps, more veg
G: multi-male/female
T: more slender/smaller than chimps, nonrelated female bonding, lovers
Bonobos & Chimps social structure
fission-fusion social structure
- small groups split from large
- all combos in groups
- travel, feed, groom, sex, aggression
- promiscuous mating
threats to apes
habitat destruction
bushmeat hunting
political instability
examples of cultural traditions passed on in primates
chimps - tool use for termite fishing, hunting behaviors
orangutans - nest building, maternal care
capuchin - tool use for opening nuts, foraging techniques