Rights in context (D&P 1.4) Flashcards
What are rights?
A right is a legally protected freedom, also known as a ‘civil liberty’
What are some rights that are guaranteed under law?
- Fair and equal treatement under the law
> right to a fair trial - Freedom of expression
- Freedom of conscience
- Right to vote
- Freedom of movement
- Freedom of association
What are some examples of legal obligations which citizens undertake in order to recieve certain rights?
- Obeying the law
- Paying taxes
- Performing jury service
What are some examples of moral obligations which citizens undertake in order to recieve certain rights?
- Voting in elections
- Playing a part to protect the environment, i.e. recycling
What is the notion of ‘active citizenship’?
Active citizenship includes offering voluntary service to help your community.
When was the Magna Carta written, and what did it include?
Magna Carta (1215)
> Right to a fair trial
Established ‘habeas corpus’; ‘bring the body’ - court order to produce a person before a court to determine lawful or unlawful detaining.
When was the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) written, and what did it include?
European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), 1950
> Very similar to UN Human Rights
What was the problem with the European Court of Human Rights between 1950 and 1998?
The court was set up in Strasbourg to hear cases; this was time-consuming and expensive.
When was the Human Rights Act written, and what did it include?
Human Rights Act (1998)
> Came into effect in 2000
> Included the right to life, prohibition of torture, right to a fair trial and right to privacy
> Could now be defended in UK courts
When was the Equality Act written, and what did it include?
Equality Act (2010)
> Brought together earlier pieces of legislation which fought discrimination (i.e. Equal Pay Act 1970, 1975 Sex Disrimination Act, 1976 Race Relations Act)
> Identified nine ‘protected characteristics’; age, disability, race, religion, sex, etcc
> Made it illegal to disriminate against people on any of the grounds in the workplace and in society
What is a ‘rights-based culture’?
A rights-based culture is a societal framework where individual rights are prioritised, protected, and promoted across all areas, including legal, social, and political systems (positive rights/liberty).
What are positive rights / what is positive liberty?
Positive rights (or positive liberty) refer to rights that require active provision or support from the state or society, such as the right to education, healthcare, or social security.
What are negative rights / what is negative liberty?
Negative rights (or negative liberty) are freedoms from interference by others, especially the government. They grant individuals autonomy by prohibiting external forces from restricting their actions, as long as those actions do not harm others.
Focuses on the absence of constraints.
What is parliamentary sovereignty?
Parliamentary sovereignty is a principle in the UK constitution that grants Parliament supreme legal authority.
> Parliament can make or repeal any law, and no other body, including the courts or government, can override or nullify its legislation.
> This concept establishes that Parliament is the highest legal authority in the UK, ensuring that no law is beyond its power to amend.
> However, it is sometimes constrained in practice, for example, by membership in international organisations or devolution agreements within the UK.
What is judicial review?
Judicial review is the process by which UK courts assess the legality of actions or decisions made by public bodies, including government departments and local authorities.
> It allows courts to ensure that these actions are lawful, reasonable, and fair, often based on principles such as procedural fairness and rationality.
> Judicial review does not question the merit of a decision itself but instead examines whether the body acted within its legal powers and followed correct procedures.
> If a decision is found unlawful, courts can order remedies, including annulment or requiring reconsideration.
How many judicial reviews were there in 2000, compared to 2013?
4,240 (2000)
15,600 (2013)
What are some examples of successful challenges to government policy?
- Retired Gurkha soldiers should be allowed to settle in the UK (2008)
- Government had not consulted fairly on compensation for people affected by the planned high speed rail link (2013)
What do the defenders of judicial review argue?
- Vital means of defending citizens’ rights
- Enables the legality of government action to be scrutinised
What do the critics of judicial review argue?
- Places too much power in the hands of unelected and unaccountable judges
What have judges been accused of doing through their interpretation of the Human Rights At 1998, and what did this mean?
They have been accused of effectrively creating a privacy law, by giving priority to Article 8 (right to privacy) over Article 10 (freedom of expression); occured even though legislation from Parliament had not been written and it was not explicitly covered in common law
> Meant that wealthy individuals, who could afford to take legal action, had an unfair advantage.
What happened in 2008 with Max Mosley and the High Court?
In 2008, the High Court awarded Max Mosley (head of F1) substantial damages when the ‘News of the World’ published a story about his sex life
> Mosley later failed in a subsequent action in the ECtHR
What happened in the case of Abu Qatada?
Qatada, a radical muslim, made speeches jutifying the use of violence to promote Islam
> Wanted to deport him to Jordan to face trial
> Fought deportation for eight years on grounds he might be tried using evidence obtained under torture, a breach of the Human Rights Act
> Only in 2013, after Theresa May (HS) had signed a treaty with Jordan pledging such evidence would not be used, was he flown back to face trial and cleared of involvement
When was the Freedom of Information Act written, and what did it include?
Freedom of Information Act (2000)
> Brought into force in 2005
> Allowed the public the right to access data held by public authorities
> This Act allowed for the MPs expensives scandal in 2009 to take place
Why is there conflict over the Human Rights Act?
- Allows judges to challenge government ministers
- Makes it easier for ordinary people to challenge the government
- Increased threat of terrorism has led to government taking actions in the interest of national security that conflict with individual rights
- Some believe that ministers are extending their powers and the costs of civil rights and freedoms
What are individual rights?
Those which benefit an individual / a citizen
What are collective rights / the ‘collective good’?
Those which benefit society