Righting and Equilibrium Reactions Flashcards
When does the head/labyrinthine begin and end? How is it stimulated and what is the response?
Onset: Birth- 2 months
Integration: Persists through life
Stimulus: Vertical suspension and tip A/P or laterally so head drops. Labyrinthine with child blindfolded.
Response: Orients head to vertical position. Head is steady and maintained in proper orientation to environment
What are the normal and abnormal reasons for the head/labyrinthine reaction?
Normal: Head control for rolling, lifting head in prone and supine
Abnormal: Delays GMS due to poor head control
When would you expect to see the landau reaction show up and integrate? What would stimulate this and how should a child respond?
Onset: 3-4 months (Full around 5 months)
Integration: 12-24 months
Stimulus: Child head in prone suspension
Response: Extension: head-> back-> hips
Why is it important that the landau reaction be normal? What happens if it is not?
Normal: Cephalocaudal sequence, helps integrate TLR, pivoting in prone
Abnormal: Poor quality of response seen in children with hypotonia or congenital myopathies, absence leads to delay in upright postures.
What information would be necessary to know about the neonatal neck righting reaction?
Onset: 34 weeks gestation
Integration: 4 months (segmental rolling)
Stimulus: Child supine, neck rotated to side
Response: Childs body will follow direction of neck rotation
Normal: Roll supine-> prone
Abnormal: Persistent NNR prevents segmental rolling and acquisition of other GMS
Give all the information that you know about the neonatal body righting reaction?
Onset: 34 weeks gestation
Integration: 4-5 months
Stimulus: Supine with head in midline, flex leg up towards chest and rotate leg across body to force baby to roll.
Response: Childs thorax, chest, and head will follow direction of pelvis- child will roll as 1 unit
Normal: Necessary for supine side rolling
Abnormal: persistence prevents segmental rolling and other GMS
Give the onset, integration, stimulus/response, and normal/abnormal significance of the neck righting reaction.
Onset: 4-6 months
Integration: 5 years
Stimulus: Child supine, neck flexion and rotation slowly
Response: Rolling shoulder-> trunk->pelvis
Normal: learning to rolling sequence and rotation around body axis
Abnormal: Delay may indicate brain damage or weaknesses
What information do we need to know for the body righting reactions?
Onset: 4-6 months
Integration: 5 years
Stimulus: Supine position. Flex one hip and adduct across midline, rotating pelvis
Response: Rolling: pelvic rotation->shoulder girdle rotation-> head
Normal: leaning rolling sequence and rotation around body axis
Abnormal: Delay may indicate brain damage or weaknesses
Give the onset, integration, stimulus, response, and significance of the prone equilibrium reactions.
Onset: 6 months
Integration: Persists through life
Stimulus: Child prone on tilt board or ball, slowly tilt laterally
Response: Childs trunk curved against