Righteousness (A Relationship with Him) Flashcards
1. For the Gift of Righteousness
“Father, thank You for the incredible gift of righteousness that I have received through Jesus. I declare that I am the righteousness of God in Christ, not because of my works, but because of Your grace. Thank You for the divine exchange that took place at the cross, where Jesus took my sin and gave me His righteousness. I rest in this truth, knowing that I am fully accepted and loved by You. Amen.”
2. For Freedom from Self-Reliance
“Lord, I thank You that my righteousness is not dependent on my own efforts or law-keeping. I release the need to strive for perfection and embrace the truth that I am already made righteous in Christ. Thank You that my standing with You is secure because of Jesus’ finished work, and I trust in His righteousness alone. Amen.”
3. For Confidence in the Divine Exchange
“Father, thank You that at the cross, Jesus took my place so I could take His place. He who knew no sin became sin for me, so that I might become the righteousness of God in Him. Thank You for this divine exchange, which is the foundation of my identity and my confidence in You. Amen.”
4. For a Consciousness of Righteousness
“Lord, I thank You that the more I am conscious of my righteousness in Christ, the more I will experience Your unmerited favor. I reject feelings of unworthiness and condemnation and declare that I am clothed in Christ’s righteousness today and every day. Amen.”
5. For Boldness to Receive Blessings
“Father, thank You that because I am in Christ and clothed in His righteousness, You will not withhold any blessing from me. I declare that I am positioned to receive every good thing You have for me today, not because of my works, but because of Jesus. Amen.”
6. For Gratitude for His Grace
“Lord, thank You that I don’t have to earn or deserve Your blessings. Thank You that Your grace is sufficient for me and that I can walk confidently in the knowledge that I am deeply loved, highly favored, and greatly blessed because of Jesus. Amen.”
7. For Resting in the Finished Work
“Father, I thank You that my part is not to struggle in my own works, but to rest in the finished work of Jesus. Thank You that all I need is found in Him, and I choose to receive Your blessings with a heart full of trust and gratitude. Amen.”
8. For Expectation of Good Things
“Lord, because of what Jesus has done, I can expect good things to happen to me. Thank You for giving me a hope and a future, and for leading me into the blessed destiny You have prepared for me and my family. I declare that my life is marked by Your favor and abundance. Amen.”
9. For Living in First-Class Righteousness
“Father, thank You that I do not have a second-class or economy-class righteousness. I have first-class righteousness through faith in Christ. I declare that I will live boldly and confidently in this truth, knowing that I am as righteous as Jesus is because of His perfect sacrifice. Amen.”
10. For Transformation by His Righteousness
“Lord, thank You that Your righteousness in me transforms every area of my life. Thank You that my thoughts, actions, and desires align with Your will as I walk in the awareness of who I am in Christ. I declare that I am growing in grace and truth, and my life reflects Your glory. Amen.”
11. For Sharing This Good News
“Father, thank You for the privilege of sharing the good news of first-class righteousness with others. Let my life be a testimony of Your grace, pointing others to the freedom and joy that comes from being made righteous through Christ. Amen.”
12. For Daily Reminders of His Love
“Lord, thank You for daily reminding me that I am loved, accepted, and favored because of Jesus. Let this truth anchor my heart and guide my steps as I walk through life with confidence and peace. Amen.”
1. For Resting in the Gift of Righteousness
“Father, thank You that righteousness is not about what I do but who I am in Christ. I declare that I am the righteousness of God in Him, not because of my works, but because of Jesus’ finished work on the cross. I rest in this truth today, knowing that You see me as perfectly righteous. Amen.”
2. For Freedom from Performance
“Lord, thank You for setting me free from the pressure to perform or earn righteousness. I declare that I am righteous apart from my works, simply by faith in Your Son. Thank You that I don’t have to strive or earn, but only believe and receive. Amen.”
3. For Faith to Declare Righteousness in Struggles
“Father, when I face struggles or fall short, thank You for reminding me that I am still righteous in Christ. I boldly declare that my righteousness is not based on my actions but on His sacrifice. Thank You for strengthening me to rise again, knowing that I am loved and accepted by You. Amen.”
4. For Victory Over Condemnation
“Lord, thank You for silencing every voice of condemnation. When the enemy accuses me, I will boldly declare, ‘I am righteous not because of what I have done, but because of what Jesus has done for me.’ Thank You that Your truth defeats every lie. Amen.”
5. For Confidence in His Grace
“Father, thank You that righteousness is not about me feeling righteous but about me being righteous in Christ. I trust in Your grace, which empowers me to live boldly and confidently in the knowledge that I am fully accepted by You. Amen.”
6. For Living Out Righteousness
“Lord, thank You that my righteous standing before You gives me the power to walk in love, kindness, and integrity. I declare that because I am righteous in Christ, my life will reflect His nature and bring glory to You. Amen.”
7. For Awareness of New Covenant Righteousness
“Father, thank You for teaching me the difference between righteousness under the law and righteousness through faith. I declare that I live under the new covenant of grace, where my faith in Jesus is accounted as righteousness. Amen.”
8. For Boldness in Faith
“Lord, thank You for giving me the boldness to use my faith to declare that I am the righteousness of God in Christ, even in the midst of challenges. I trust that this revelation will empower me to walk in victory every day. Amen.”
9. For Humility in Righteousness
“Father, thank You that my righteousness is a gift, not something I earned. I declare that I will walk humbly, knowing that it is only by Your grace that I stand righteous before You. Thank You for this unmerited favor. Amen.”
10. For the Power of the Cross
“Lord, thank You that Jesus took my sins and gave me His righteousness. I declare that His sacrifice at the cross is my foundation, my confidence, and my strength. Thank You for this divine exchange that secures my identity in You. Amen.”
11. For Overcoming Feelings of Unworthiness
“Father, thank You for reminding me that my worth is not in what I do but in who I am in Christ. I declare that I am righteous, loved, and precious in Your sight because of Jesus. Thank You for transforming how I see myself. Amen.”
12. For Walking in Grace Daily
“Lord, thank You that Your grace is sufficient for me every day. I declare that as I walk in the awareness of my righteousness in Christ, I will experience Your favor, peace, and joy in every area of my life. Amen.”
13. For Strength in Weakness
“Father, when I feel weak or inadequate, thank You for reminding me that Your power is made perfect in my weakness. I declare that my righteousness in Christ is my strength, and I will face every challenge with confidence in You. Amen.”
14. For Rejoicing in Righteousness
“Lord, thank You for the joy of knowing that I am righteous in Christ. I declare that I will rejoice in this truth every day, knowing that Your love and acceptance are unchanging. Thank You for filling my heart with peace and gratitude. Amen.”
1. For Receiving Righteousness as a Gift
“Father, thank You that my righteousness is not based on my actions or my works but is a gift I receive through Jesus’ finished work. I declare that I am the righteousness of God in Christ, and I rest in this truth today. Amen.”
2. For Freedom from Legalism
“Lord, thank You for freeing me from the mindset that I must earn righteousness through the law or my own efforts. I declare that I am justified by faith in Jesus, and His perfect sacrifice is more than enough for me. Amen.”
3. For Trusting in Jesus’ Right Doing
“Father, thank You that my righteousness is not based on my right doing but entirely on Jesus’ right doing. I trust in His perfect obedience and sacrifice, which have made me righteous before You. Amen.”
4. For Confidence in God’s Favor
“Lord, thank You that because I am righteous in Christ, I can confidently expect Your unmerited favor to be on my side today. I declare that I will see good things happen, not because of my works, but because of Your grace. Amen.”
5. For Resting in the Cross
“Father, thank You that I do not frustrate Your grace by trying to earn righteousness through my works. I rest in the finished work of the cross, knowing that Jesus’ sacrifice is more than enough to make me righteous. Amen.”
6. For Freedom from Condemnation
“Lord, thank You that I am free from condemnation because I am in Christ. I reject every lie of the enemy that tells me I am not good enough, and I declare that my righteousness is secure in You. Amen.”
7. For Boldness in Believing Right
“Father, thank You for teaching me that righteousness is about believing right, not doing right. I declare that I will walk in faith, fully confident that I am righteous because of Jesus. Amen.”
8. For Gratitude for the Divine Exchange
“Lord, thank You for the divine exchange at the cross, where Jesus took my sin and gave me His righteousness. I declare that I am clothed in His righteousness today and every day. Amen.”
9. For the Joy of Righteousness
“Father, thank You for the joy of knowing that I am righteous in Christ. Let this truth fill my heart with peace and gratitude as I walk through life, confident in Your love. Amen.”
10. For Living Out Righteousness
“Lord, thank You that being righteous in Christ empowers me to live a life that honors You. I declare that Your righteousness in me will overflow into my actions, bringing glory to Your name. Amen.”
11. For Aligning My Identity with Righteousness
“Father, thank You that my identity is rooted in the righteousness of Christ. I am not defined by my past, my mistakes, or my works, but by who I am in You. Amen.”
12. For Overcoming Guilt and Shame
“Lord, thank You for reminding me that I am fully justified and made righteous in Christ. I release all guilt and shame from my past, and I walk in the freedom of Your grace. Amen.”
13. For Experiencing God’s Blessings
“Father, thank You that because I am righteous in Christ, You will not withhold any good thing from me. I declare that I am positioned to receive every blessing You have for me today. Amen.”
14. For Embracing Grace Daily
“Lord, thank You for Your grace that sustains me every day. I declare that I will live in the awareness of my righteousness in Christ, confident in Your love and favor. Amen.”
1. For Seeking First His Kingdom and Righteousness
“Father, thank You for teaching me to seek first Your kingdom and Your righteousness. I declare that as I keep my eyes on Jesus and His finished work, all the things I need will be added to me. Thank You for being my provider and my source. Amen.”
2. For Resting in His Care
“Lord, thank You that I don’t need to worry about what I will eat, drink, or wear. You take care of the birds of the air and clothe the lilies of the field, and I am of so much more value to You. I choose to rest in Your loving care today, trusting that You will meet all my needs. Amen.”
3. For Becoming Safe for Success
“Father, thank You that as I focus on beholding Jesus and His loveliness, I become safe for greater success. I declare that I will not depend on my own merits, wisdom, or might but will depend entirely on Your grace and favor. Amen.”
4. For Joy and Peace in His Righteousness
“Lord, thank You for the righteousness, peace, and joy found in the Holy Spirit. I declare that I will walk in these blessings today, allowing them to guard my heart against worry and fear. Thank You for the fullness of Your kingdom in my life. Amen.”
5. For Trusting in His Unmerited Favor
“Father, thank You for clothing me with Your robes of righteousness and filling my life with unmerited favor. I declare that I will boast not in my own wisdom, strength, or riches, but in knowing You as the One who delights in lovingkindness, justice, and righteousness. Amen.”
6. For Fixing My Eyes on Jesus
“Lord, thank You for the assurance that when I keep my eyes on Jesus, everything else falls into place. I choose to focus on His finished work on the cross, trusting that You will add every good thing to my life in Your perfect timing. Amen.”
7. For Freedom from Struggle
“Father, thank You that I don’t need to struggle to earn blessings or success. I declare that I will rest in Your grace, knowing that everything I need flows from Jesus’ finished work. Thank You for being my sufficiency and my strength. Amen.”
8. For Freedom from Worry
“Lord, thank You for reminding me not to worry about tomorrow. I declare that my future is secure in Your hands, and I trust You to guide me step by step into the good plans You have for me. Amen.”
9. For a Heart That Understands and Knows Him
“Father, thank You for teaching me to delight not in what I achieve, but in knowing and understanding You. I declare that my greatest treasure is Your presence, and my greatest desire is to walk in intimacy with You every day. Amen.”
10. For Making Me a Vessel of His Glory
“Lord, thank You for working in my life to make me safe for greater success. I declare that I will not boast in myself but will reflect Your glory and grace in everything I do. Thank You for using me to bring honor to Your name. Amen.”
11. For Protection Against Fear and Anxiety
“Father, thank You that Your peace guards my heart and mind as I trust in You. I declare that I will not be consumed by fear or anxiety but will rest in the assurance that You are my provider and protector. Amen.”
12. For Confidence in His Promises
“Lord, thank You for the promise that as I seek first Your kingdom, all these things will be added to me. I declare that I will walk boldly in faith, knowing that You are faithful to Your Word. Amen.”
13. For Living in the Light of His Grace
“Father, thank You for calling me to live in the light of Your grace. I declare that I will not depend on my own abilities or merits but will rely completely on Jesus’ finished work. Thank You for making me a recipient of Your unmerited favor. Amen.”
14. For a Life That Reflects His Kingdom
“Lord, thank You for making me a citizen of Your kingdom. I declare that my life will reflect Your righteousness, peace, and joy, bringing glory to Your name and pointing others to Your love. Amen.”
1. For Confidence in God’s Favor
“Father, thank You that I don’t have to earn Your favor through my efforts. Because of Jesus, I can confidently expect Your unmerited favor to flow in every area of my life. Amen.”
2. For Freedom from Self-Effort
“Lord, thank You for freeing me from striving. I declare that my righteousness in Christ is the foundation for every blessing, peace, and favor I receive today. Amen.”
3. For Expecting Good Things
“Father, thank You that as Jesus is today, so am I in this world. I declare that I am deserving of blessings, health, and favor, not because of what I’ve done, but because of who I am in Christ. Amen.”
4. For a Righteousness-Conscious Life
“Lord, thank You for reminding me to focus on my righteousness in Christ, not my shortcomings. I declare that Your unmerited favor is mine because I am clothed in His righteousness. Amen.”
5. For Asking Boldly
“Father, thank You that I can come boldly to Your throne and ask for big things. I trust in Your love and the perfect work of Jesus that qualifies me to receive Your blessings. Amen.”
6. For Peace in His Provision
“Lord, thank You that I don’t need to worry about my future. I rest in the truth that Your unmerited favor will meet every need and bring provision in ways beyond my imagination. Amen.”
7. For Trusting His Goodness
“Father, thank You for seeing me through the lens of the cross. I declare that as Jesus is today, so am I—deserving of every good thing You have for me. Amen.”
8. For Walking in Health
“Lord, thank You for the health and peace that come with Your unmerited favor. I declare that my body is strong, healed, and whole because of Jesus’ finished work. Amen.”
9. For Overcoming Doubts
“Father, thank You for reminding me that Your favor is unearned and undeserved. I reject every lie that tells me I am not good enough, and I rest in the truth of Your grace. Amen.”
10. For Building a Firm Foundation
“Lord, thank You that my righteousness in Christ is the foundation on which I can build my expectations for a blessed life. I declare that nothing can shake the favor You have placed over me. Amen.”
- “Thank You, Father, that Your unmerited favor is mine because of Jesus.”
- “Thank You, Lord, for making me the righteousness of God in Christ.”
- “Thank You, Father, that I can expect good things to happen to me today.”
- “Thank You, Lord, that You give me what Jesus deserves.”
Father, thank You for letting me know
that in every part of my life, You’ve already made provision through Your righteousness. Thank You for clothing me in the righteousness of Christ so I can approach You without fear, guilt, or shame. It is finished, and I stand complete in You.
For My Thoughts
Lord, thank You, You’ve already given me the mind of Christ. I lay down every negative, self-condemning thought and embrace the truth that I am holy and blameless in Your presence. Thank You for replacing my doubts with the assurance that I am loved and valued beyond measure.
“I am holy and blameless as I stand before You without a single fault.” (Colossians 1:22)
For My Health
Father, thank You for healing that was already provided at the cross. I rest in the finished work of Jesus, knowing You have forgiven all my sins and healed all my diseases. Thank You for restoring my body and mind in alignment with Your perfect will.
“You forgive all my sins and heal all my diseases.” (Psalm 103:3)
For My Finances
Lord, thank You, You’ve already supplied all my needs according to Your riches in glory. Even in moments of uncertainty, I trust Your wisdom to guide me in managing and multiplying what You’ve entrusted to me. Thank You for supernatural provision and debt cancellation that reflect Your abundant grace.
“It is You who gives me the power to get wealth.” (Deuteronomy 8:18)
For My Relationships
Father, thank You for redeeming my love life and breaking toxic cycles in my past. Thank You for already preparing relationships that will bring joy and reflect Your love. I trust You to guide me step by step into a healthy, fulfilling partnership.
“Behold, You make all things new.” (Revelation 21:5)
For My Career and Studies
Lord, thank You for lifting me up and giving me favor in my endeavors. Thank You for replacing every fear of failure with the truth that I am the head and not the tail, empowered to excel because of Your righteousness. I trust in Your plan to lead me into success.
“You make me the head and not the tail, above only and not beneath.” (Deuteronomy 28:13)
For Every Area of Life
Father, thank You for letting me know that when I seek Your righteousness first, all these things are already added to me. Thank You for teaching me to rest in Your love, to trust Your timing, and to live in the confidence that Your finished work has already secured every blessing I need.
“Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” (Matthew 6:33)
Father, thank You for letting me know
that righteousness is Your precious gift to me, purchased at the highest cost. Thank You, You’ve already made me righteous in Christ—not by my works but by His perfect sacrifice. I rest in the finished work of Jesus, who endured all for my sake, so I may stand before You holy and blameless.
For the Gift of Righteousness
Lord, thank You, You’ve already exchanged my sin for Your perfect righteousness. Though I did no right, You gave me the blessing of standing before You as if I had. Thank You for this unmerited favor, freely given, yet priceless beyond measure.
“God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.” (2 Corinthians 5:21)
For the Suffering of Christ
Father, thank You for the immeasurable love demonstrated at the cross. Thank You, You’ve already borne my transgressions and carried my iniquities through Christ. Thank You for the stripes that healed me, the crown of thorns that restored me, and the blood that cleansed me forever.
“But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on Him, and by His wounds we are healed.” (Isaiah 53:5)
For Freedom from Striving
For Freedom from Striving
Lord, thank You, You’ve already freed me from striving to earn Your love. I lay down my works and self-righteousness, trusting completely in Your grace. Thank You for reminding me that righteousness is not a reward for my efforts but a gift of Your boundless grace.
“It is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9)
For the Assurance of Blessings
Father, thank You, You’ve already made me a recipient of the blessings of the righteous. I no longer fear judgment because Your favor rests on me. I fully expect the goodness and mercy of Your promises to manifest in every area of my life.
“Surely Your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.” (Psalm 23:6)
For the Power of Grace
Lord, thank You, You’ve already demonstrated that grace triumphs over works. Thank You for the truth that righteousness is complete in Christ, and there is no need to add to what You have finished. I live not by the law but by the freedom of Your grace.
“For if righteousness could be gained through the law, Christ died for nothing.” (Galatians 2:21)
Father, thank You for letting me know the depth of Your love and the perfection of Your work. Thank You, You’ve already given me the victory through Jesus Christ. I rest in the truth that it is finished, and I live as Your beloved, righteous child, forever secure in Your grace.
Father, thank You for letting me know
that the gospel of Christ is Your power to save in every situation of my life. Thank You, You’ve already provided salvation—not only from sin but from every challenge I face. I rest in the finished work of Jesus, knowing Your love covers every need.
For the Power of the Gospel
Lord, thank You, You’ve already revealed that the gospel is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes. Thank You for making this truth alive in my heart, not just in my understanding, so I can live in its fullness daily.
“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes.” (Romans 1:16)
For Righteousness by Faith
For Righteousness by Faith
Father, thank You, You’ve already shown me that righteousness comes by faith in Jesus’ blood, not by my works. Thank You for declaring me righteous because of His perfect sacrifice. I rest in the assurance that I am fully accepted and loved by You.
“For in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed—a righteousness that is by faith from first to last.” (Romans 1:17)
For Freedom from Works
Lord, thank You, You’ve already freed me from striving to earn Your favor. Thank You for reminding me that Your gospel is not about pointing out what is wrong with me but revealing what is right with me because of Jesus. I rest in the truth that there is nothing left for me to do to receive Your blessings.
“It is finished.” (John 19:30)
For Healing and Provision
Father, thank You, You’ve already provided healing for my body, peace for my mind, and provision for every need. I release my worries and trust in Your all-encompassing saving power. Thank You for meeting me in my place of need with Your abundant grace.
“And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:19)
For the Truth of the Gospel
Lord, thank You, You’ve already made the good news of the gospel true in my life. While the world may say it is too good to be true, I declare that Your promises are both good and true. Thank You for being faithful in all things.
“The gospel…is so good because it is indeed true.”
Father, thank You for letting me know that hearing and believing the gospel releases Your power into my life. Thank You, You’ve already finished the work, and I now live in the fullness of what Jesus has accomplished. I rest in Your love, Your grace, and the eternal truth of the gospel.
Father, thank You for letting me know
that I am established in the righteousness of Christ, and nothing can separate me from Your love. Thank You, You’ve already silenced the voice of accusation through the finished work of Jesus. I rest in the truth that my worth and acceptance come from You, not from my own works or failures.
For Freedom from Accusation
Lord, thank You, You’ve already disarmed every accusation against me. When the enemy whispers lies about my shortcomings, I declare that I am clothed in Your righteousness. I choose to look at what Jesus deserves, not what I deserve.
“In righteousness you shall be established; you shall be far from oppression, for you shall not fear; and from terror, for it shall not come near you.” (Isaiah 54:14)
For Strength in Trials
Father, thank You, You’ve already equipped me to respond with grace and faith when accusations arise. Even when I falter, I trust in Your unmerited favor to cover my shortcomings. Thank You for reminding me that Jesus’ sacrifice makes me righteous, and I can boldly expect good things from You.
“Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” (Romans 8:1)
For Victory through Right Believing
Lord, thank You, You’ve already shown me that right believing leads to right living. I reject self-righteousness and rest in the truth that my holiness flows from the gift of Your righteousness. Thank You for transforming my heart and actions through Your grace.
“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God.” (Ephesians 2:8)
For Peace in My Relationships
Father, thank You, You’ve already given me the strength to walk in forgiveness and love. When my heart is touched by Your grace, I am empowered to reconcile with others and let go of anger. Thank You for making me a reflection of Your love in my relationships.
“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” (Ephesians 4:32)
For Practical Holiness
Lord, thank You, You’ve already provided everything I need for a life of holiness. I depend on Your favor to guide me in my decisions, strengthen me in my challenges, and fill me with peace and joy. I trust in Your righteousness to lead me into victory in every area of my life.
“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” (Matthew 6:33)
Father, thank You for letting me know that I am righteous in Christ, and no accusation can stand against me. Thank You, You’ve already finished the work, and I now walk in the freedom and favor of Your grace. I rest in Your love and rejoice in the victory You’ve secured for me.
Father, thank You for letting me know
that Your grace is constant, unwavering, and freely given, even in my weakest moments. Thank You, You’ve already made me a recipient of Your unmerited favor through Christ. I rest in the truth that my access to Your love and blessings is not based on my works but on the finished work of Jesus.
For Your Unmerited Favor
Lord, thank You, You’ve already lavished Your grace upon me when I least deserved it. At my lowest point, in my darkest hour, Your light shines through and lifts me. Thank You for the reminder that it is not about my obedience but about Jesus’ perfect obedience.
“The grace of our Lord was poured out on me abundantly, along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.” (1 Timothy 1:14)
For Righteousness by Faith
Father, thank You, You’ve already clothed me in the righteousness that comes through faith in Christ. Thank You for making it clear that my righteousness is not from my own efforts but is a gift from You. I stand firm, not in my achievements but in Jesus, my Rock.
“…not having my own righteousness, which is from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which is from God by faith.” (Philippians 3:9)
For Freedom from Condemnation
Lord, thank You, You’ve already silenced the voice of disqualification. When accusations rise to remind me of my failures, I turn to Jesus, who has qualified me forever. Thank You for the unshakable foundation of Your grace, which gives me confidence to come boldly to You.
“There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” (Romans 8:1)
For Blessings in Every Season
Father, thank You, You’ve already blessed me with every spiritual blessing in Christ. Even when I feel undeserving, I trust in Your promise that You will not withhold any good thing from me because of Your righteousness in me.
“The LORD bestows favor and honor; no good thing does He withhold from those whose walk is blameless.” (Psalm 84:11)
For the Confidence to Ask
Lord, thank You, You’ve already given me the confidence to ask for good things, not based on my merit but on Your unchanging love. Thank You for encouraging me to expect great things from You and to walk boldly into the destiny You’ve prepared for me.
“Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” (Hebrews 4:16)
Father, thank You for letting me know that Your grace is my strength and sufficiency. Thank You, You’ve already finished the work, and I walk in the freedom, favor, and fullness of life that Jesus has secured for me. I rejoice in Your amazing grace, knowing that it is all because of You.
Father, thank You for letting me know
that You are fully satisfied with me because of what Jesus has done. Thank You, You’ve already accepted me in the Beloved, and nothing I do can add to or take away from that perfect acceptance. I rest in the finished work of the cross and the completeness of Your love for me.
For the Gift of Righteousness
Lord, thank You, You’ve already clothed me in the righteousness of Christ. Thank You for assessing me not based on my works but on what Jesus accomplished at Calvary. I rejoice in the truth that I am fully accepted, fully loved, and fully forgiven.
“He has made us accepted in the Beloved.” (Ephesians 1:6)