Right realists Flashcards
Define Right Realism
New Right. Crime growing problem.
What are 3 key factors driving youth to crime?
Breakdown in informal controls, welfare state, police.
Describe breakdown of informal controls
Bad behaviour deterred by disapproval from fam, friends, neighbours etc.
Social groups grown weaker as agencies of social control, lose community.
Describe the welfare state as a way to drive youth to crime.
State undermined community by encouraging workshy pp, dependent upon benefits.
Undermined social cohesion encouraged individualism.
Describe police as a factor that drives youth to crime.
Crime flourished because policing isn’t effective, punishments for committing crime weak.
Describe Murray’s underclass theory.
Murray- underclass below working-class, subscribes to deviant values than mainstream.
Underclass parents transmit deficient culture to kids, socialisation.
Criminal underclass growing due to welfare dependency.
What are Murray’s 3 key arguments as to why members of underclass turn to crime?
Underclass youth likely unemployed ,workshy. Prefer welfare dependent.
Members lack moral values allegedly inadequate parents.
Absent fathers, boys lack discipline/ male role models.
Youth male members turn to delinquent role models, status through crime than supporting fam through job.
Radical feminist critique of Murray’s arguments.
single mothers flee domestic abuse.
Fathers teach boys aggression is okay- patriarchy.
How does Walters and Bennet support Murray’s arguments?
young criminal underclass due to growing up around deviant adults in criminogenic environment, designed to produce criminals.
According to Clarke, how does rational choice theory influence crime?
-individual decision to commit crime based on consequences.
According to Wilson, why is crime increasing in terms of perceived risk?
Perceived costs of crime low today= increased crime rate.
Supply of jobs declining- cost of punishment also declining, likely turn to crime.
According to Felson, how does community reduce crime?
Strong community bonds= increases risk of being caught and punished, deters crime.
Weak community bonds= risk being caught low.
What does Hirschi focus on?
Why pp don’t commit crime.
According to Hirschi, why don’t pp commit crime?
4 social controls that show cost of crime outweigh benefits.
Attachment, commitment, involvement, belief.
According to Hirschi, why are youth more likely to commit crime?
Get 4 controls (attachment, involvement, belief and commitment) when older, have less commitments.
According to Right Realists, what’s the best way to solve crime?
Reduce crime opportunity, not change criminal.
Describe the Broken Window theory and what Wilson says.
If don’t get windows fixed likely broken into again. Don’t look after neighbourhood asking for crime show don’t care.
Wilson-lack of concern for others increase crime.
What methods aim to prevent crime?
Target hardening and designing out.
How does Rex and Tomlinson critique underclass having deviant values?
survey evidence- poor same values, poverty caused by external factors (gov policies).
No evidence criminal underclass subculture with distinctive criminal values/ behaviour.
How do Postmodernists critique Right realists?
Delinquent spontaneous, not rational (Pick N Mix).
How do Marxists critique Right Realists?
-RR preoccupied with street crime, ignore WCC.