Who are the sociologists that come up with the right realist explanations for crime?
Hernstein and Wilson: Biological factors
Murray: Poor socialisation
Clarke: Rational choice theory
What is Hernstein and Wilsons explanation for crime?
Biological factors:
Biological differences between individuals make some more likely to commit crime. E.g, personality traits such as aggression and low impulse control, also low intelligence
What is Murray’s explanation for crime?
Poor socialisation: Crime is increasing because the increasing underclass of lone parent families funded by the welfare state. Lone mothers are inadequate social agents especially for boys. Absent fathers mean boys lack paternal discipline and therefore turn to delinquent role models on the street
What is Clarke’s explanation for crime?
Rational choice theory:
The decision to commit crime is based on a rational calculation of consequences. If perceived rewards outweigh cost, people are more likely to offend
Who are the right realist sociologists that discuss the ways of tackling crime?
Wilson and Kelling: Zero tolerance policing
What is Willson and Kelling’s view on how to tackle crime?
Zero tolerance policing:
Undesirable behaviour such as prostitution, begging and drunkness. Police should patrol the streets and carry out stop and searches on suspicious characters
Broken window thesis:
To maintain an orderly society it has to appear orderly, neighbourhoods should prevent graffiti or vandalism
How can you criticise Wilson and Kelling’s idea of how to tackle crime?
Its preoccupied by petty Street crime and ignores corporate crime which is more costly and harmful
Gives police free rein to discriminate against minorites
Over emphasise control of disorder rather than tackling the causes of neighbourhood decline such as lack of investment