Which sociologist outline why black people appear more criminal?
Lea and Young: Left Realist
Gilroy: Neo Marxist
Stuart Hall: Neo Marxist
How does Gilroy explain why black people appear to be more criminal?
BME commit no more crime than others. Instead differences in statistics are a result of racist policing, as they act on stereotypes.
Black people are 7 times more likely to be stopped and searched and 5% more likely to be given prison sentences
How can you criticise Gilroys claim as to why black people appear more criminal?
Police would argue they act with professionalism
How does Lea and Young explain why black people appear more criminal in terms of commiting utilitarian crime (money gaining)?
Disadvantaged due to wider society , they commit more crime because they are more likely to be in poverty, due to racism employment. Utilitarian crime is a response to material deprivation
How do Lea and Young explain why black people appear to be more criminal in terms of commiting non utilitarian crimes (no money)?
BME people may commit crimes due to fustration, due to less employment and racism people may commit crime against racist systems in a way of venting
Over 135 arrests were made during the BLM protests- shows anti-racist acts are seen as criminal
How does Hall explain why black people appear more crimina?
He supports the idea that BME groups commit more crime because of circumstances and because of the Criminal justice system
There was a moral panic in the 1970s about black men and mugging. This is because capitalism was in a crisis and people used the story to distract people from the problems of capitalism.
This also means men were unable to get jobs and had to turn to crime
How can you criticise Hall’s explanation on why black people commit more crime?
He says black men are more criminal but also less criminal. Which is it?
How can you criticise Lea and Young’s explanation on why black people commit more crime?
Not everyone in poverty commits crime, there are lots of working class people in poverty who don’t commit crime