Rifle Platoon in the Offense Flashcards
Types of Attack
Hasty & Deliberate
What is a hasty attack?
an attack when the commander decides to trade preparation time for speed to exploit an opportunity.
What is a deliberate attack?
a type of offensive action characterized by pre-planned and coordinated employment of firepower and maneuver to close with and destroy the enemy
What happens during the Preparation phase?
Begin Planning
Planning begins when the commander receives the warning order or operations order from higher. The commander analyzes his mission and higher’s intent to determine what he is doing and, more importantly, why.
Arrange / Make Recon
COC coordination & Leaders Recon (priorities of recon).
TCM’s Used during an attack
Boundary, Assembly area, Attack Position, LOD, Check Point, Phase Line, Release Point, TRP, Assault Point, Objective, Limit of Advance, Linkup Point
Complete the Planning
Scheme of Maneuver, FSP, Tasks, Coordinating instructions, Admin and Logistics, and Command Signal
Issue the Order
Issue the order
Rehearsals, PCC’s, PCI’s
Conduct Phase
Movement to the Objective