Ribosome profiling Flashcards
Why doesn’t RNA/protein levels within a cell tell you what is being actively translated?
Analysis of total RNA/total protein present in a cell is performed under steady state conditions so doesn’t tell you which proteins are currently being actively translated
Why doesn’t mRNA/protein level necessarily correlate with amount of currently translated product? (4)
- Low abundance mRNAs can be highly translated
- High abundance mRNAs can be poorly translated
- Stable proteins with slow turnover rate might not be being actively translated
- Annotated ORFs aren’t the only RNA species being translated e.g. uORFs and smORFS
What are smORFs? (2)
- Small ORFs
- uORFs are a type of smORFs
What are polysomes?
mRNAs being translated have multiple ribosomes associated which form polysome structures
What is ribosome profiling? (2)
- In vivo approach to determine which RNAs are actively being translated
- Can isolate the polysomes, digest the RNA and sequence the regions that are protected by the ribosome to see exactly what is being translated
What are the steps of ribosome profiling? (8)
- Prepare any type of cell culture
- Rapidly inhibit translation to freeze ribosomes in position via antibiotics/flash freezing
- Prepare cell extract and isolate polysomes by centrifugation (mRNA with bound ribosomes)
- RNase treatment digests all RNA not protected by ribosomes, protected fragments are 28-32nt (organism dependent) consistently sized
- Isolate ribosomes and associated RNA fragments by density gradient centrifugation
- Library preparation of the isolated RNA fragments by adding linkers and RT and PCR similar to CRAC or iCLIP
- High throughput sequencing and alignment of the results
- Do RNAseq in parallel
What antibiotic is commonly used to inhibit translation? (2)
- Cycloheximide
- Inhibitor of translation elongation
Why do you do RNAseq in parallel to ribosome profiling?
Need to know the total amount of mRNA in the cell because the amount of translation from ribosome profiling is relative to total mRNA present
What are the strengths of ribosome profiling? (5)
- No genetic manipulation of cells needed
- Quantifiable
- Sensitive (rare translation events can be identified)
- Precise positional information (footprint size)
- Detects changes in protein expression directly (in contrast to analysis of steady state RNA/protein levels)
What are the limitations of ribosome profiling? (5)
- Difficult to efficiently freeze ribosomes in place during sampling
- Artefacts arise from antibiotics as each antibiotic only inhibits specific steps in translation e.g. cycloheximide only stops elongating ribosomes so no view of translational start sites
- Short length of fragments can lead to ambiguity in identification of similar sequences when mapping
- The assumption that each ribosome associated with the RNA leads to the production of the protein
- The assumption that elongation rate is the same globally
What are the features of ribosome profiling data? (4)
- Ribosome footprint reads which can be mapped to the transcriptome
- Very sharp boundaries at the 5’ and 3’ ends indicating start and stop sites
- Should see sequence coverage over the entire ORF
- Evidence of codon periodicity (more frequent reads at every 3rd nucleotide) which is indicative of active translation and can infer frame of translation from this pattern (required for quality control of the data)
Why is codon periodicity evident from RNA profiling? (3)
- Ribosome reads in triplets not base by base
- RNase treatment generates RNA footprints of the same size (28-32nt depending on organism)
- Can map reads to single point in ribosome (e.g. P site) and if you map all reads to the same point, every 3rd nucleotide will map more often to this point
What are the E, P and A sites?
3 binding sites for tRNA on the ribosome
What are the 3 main types of data you get from ribosome profiling?
- How is the ribosome translating
- How much translating is taking place
- What RNAs are being translated
What information can you get about how the ribosome is translating? (2)
- Can identify defects e.g. pausing, stop codon read through
- A peak in the sequence reads indicates ribosome pausing which may be caused by a structural element impeding elongation