RIBO Rules and Regulations (Word Problems) Flashcards
Understanding RIBO Rules and Regulations via word problems
What does RIBO stand for?
Registered Insurance Brokers of Ontario
Who does the RIB Act protect?
The insurance consumer
What are three things necessary to qualify for registration as an insurance broker?
- Has attained the age of majority (18+)
- Is of good character and has demonstrated reasonable grounds for belief that he or she will carry on business in accordance with law, integrity and honesty
- Has not been convicted of any offence which renders him or her unfit to act as a broker
- Has not been refused a license under the Insurance Act or had a license suspended or revoked for a reason that renders him or her unfit to act as an insurance broker
- Satisfies the educational requirements (passed the Level I Broker: Entry Level Examination)
- The individual’s only business or employment is that of an insurance broker and life insurance agent, and other business as the Qualification and Registration Committee considers appropriate
- Carries on the business of an insurance broker
- Complies with the continuing education requirements (8 hours)
What are three things a broker with a license restricted to “Acting Under Supervision” may not do?
- Control trust funds
- Act as a Principal Broker
- Or operate as a sole proprietor
When do all RIBO licenses expire?
September 30 of every year
When do all RIBO licenses need to be renewed?
August 31 of every year
What does a broker need to do if they have a second occupation?
Apply for a secondary business exemption
What occupations does RIBO allow brokers with a secondary occupation to do?
What they feel is not a conflict of interest
How often must a broker file a position report?
Twice a year
Is there any way they can get this changed to filing only one a year?
Yes, by filing an exemption
How much notice will RIBO give prior to them doing a spot check at a brokerage?
30 days
How many people sit on the RIBO Council?
13 members
How many members of the RIBO council are elected?
9 members
How many members of the RIBO council are appointed?
4 members
Who appoints the appointees on the RIBO Council
Lieutenant Governor in Council
How many RIBO Committees are there?
7 Committees
What does the Complaints Committee do?
Investigate Complaints (RIBO Police)
What does the Discipline Committee do?
Set disciplinary actions (RIBO Court)
What does the Qualification and Registration Committee do?
Make sure brokers are qualified
How many days do you have to update certain information with RIBO?
30 days