Habitual Insurance (Word Problems) Flashcards
Understanding Habitual (Home) Insurance via word problems.
If you go away on vacation and there is a loss caused by freezing pipes in your basement, are you covered?
Only if a competent person enters the dwelling each day or water supply has been shut off and all pipes drained.
If a civil authority prohibits access to your premises due to damages to neighboring premises, are you covered?
Yes, for 14 days.
What is the maximum amount the Comprehensive Homeowner Policy will pay for the fire damage to a tree?
$500 per tree.
Until what age is a student living away from home considered an insured under their parent’s policy?
No limit.
Are you required to pay a deductible on items where a special limit applies?
Yes, off of the total loss.
How much is unscheduled watercraft covered for in the event it burns in a boathouse fire?
If your friend moves in to share the cost of your apartment, is his/her contents covered under your policy?
How much are bicycles covered for if they are burned in a fire?
Their full value.
If there is more than one policy covering a house, how would a loss be settled?
Each contributes its rateable proportion.
If the Condominium Corporation’s insurance policy is invalid or inadequate, how much will the Condominium Unit Owner Policy pay for damage to common areas that you get assessed for?
Is there coverage for contents while moving? If so, how long and at what locations?
Yes, 30 days while in transit to and at another location within Canada to be occupied by you as your principal residence.
What three perils drop off as soon as a building is vacant?
Water damage, vandalism, and glass breakage.
When does all coverage drop off on a vacant dwelling?
After 30 days.
What coverage of the Homeowner Policy covers in-ground swimming pools?
Coverage A.
To repair an old air conditioner, walls have to be torn out. Would this be covered by the Homeowner Policy?
No, has to result from an insured peril.
If an insured chooses not to rebuild on the same location, what would be the Basis of Claim Payment?
Actual cash value.
When do the special limits for items 1-8 apply?
In what instances must the authorities be notified before a property claim can be submitted to an insurer?
Malicious acts, burglary, robbery, and theft or attempted theft.
Where are building materials slated for renovations covered?
On or adjacent to the premises.
How much are Tenant’s improvements and betterments insured for?
No limit.
What is the maximum amount payable under the Credit or Debits Cards Extension?
$2,000 aggregate.
If you get charged by the Fire Department for services provided to save or protect your insured property is there any reimbursement for your policy?
Yes, up to $1,000.
What perils are outdoor trees, shrubs, and plants covered for?
Fire, lightning, explosion, impact by aircraft or land vehicle, riot, vandalism and malicious acts.
What is the limit and deductible for the Freezer Foods Extension?
$2,000 without deductible.
Is theft at another location which you own, rent, or occupy covered by the Comprehensive Homeowner Policy?
Yes, if temporarily living there.
What kind of water damage is covered?
Sudden and accidental.
You have Guaranteed Replacement Cost on your building, and you renovate your home over a period of three months. The total value of the renovations is $10,000. Ten days after you have completed the renovations there is fire and the entire house burns down. Is there coverage for the renovations?
If Dwelling Building is Coverage A and Personal Property is Coverage C, what is Personal Liability?
Coverage E.
Would a residence employee be covered if he was injured on your premises due to no negligence on your part?
Will Coverage G cover an insured for intentionally caused damage?
Only those 12 years of age or under.
Where are your personal actions insured by your Comprehensive Package Policy?
Anywhere in the world.
What length of owned, non-motorized watercraft are automatically covered for Personal Liability?
26 feet.
Is a boat scheduled on a Watercraft Coverage covered when used once a year in a race?
Not while racing.
What are the seven perils covered by a Vacancy Permit?
Fire or lightning, explosion, smoke, falling object, impact by aircraft or land vehicle, riot, and windstorm or hail.
Are you covered for vandalism at your Seasonal Dwelling?
Only if specified in the declarations.
What is the deductible for items on Personal Articles Coverage?
No deductible.
What does the additional condition Sue and Labor require the insured to do following a claim?
Take all reasonable steps in and about the recovery of lost property.
Is it possible to insure a musical instrument played professionally on Personal Articles Coverage?
Yes, with written permission.
If your laptop is on Personal Computer Coverage and it is stolen from the back seat of your convertible while the roof was down would it be covered?
No, locked vehicle warranty.
You have a Secondary Residence which is insured for $50,000 and a detached shed which is valued at $10,000. In the event of a total loss of both buildings what is covered on the policy?
$50,000 maximum.
If you lose one of your diamond earrings that were purchased for $3,000 and they can’t be replaced as the setting was unique, will your insurer buy you a new pair of earrings? What about if they were scheduled on Personal Articles Coverage?
No, pair and set.
If you have jewelry insured on Personal Articles Coverage and you purchase a new ring for $7,500 while on vacation, is it covered if you lose it five days after purchasing it? If so, for how much?
Yes, only up to $5,000.
In the event of a loss to collector items, will you be able to get replacement cost on them?
No, replacement cost does not apply to:
- Antiques, fine arts, paintings, works of art and similar articles which, by their inherent nature, cannot be replaced with new or comparable articles.
- Articles in respect of which their age or history substantially contributes to their value.
- Property that has not been maintained in good or workable condition.
There are certain Special Limits of Insurance that do not apply in the event of a loss caused by a Specified Peril. What items fall under this category?
- $500 on numismatic property (coin collection, paper currency)
- $2000 on jewellery, watches, gems, fur
- $1000 on stamps, manuscripts and philatelic property
- $500 on all on each bike and equipment/accessories
- $1000 on collectible cards
- $2500 on student personal property
If you go to a fair and display your knitted mittens that you hope to sell there are you covered?
We do not insure property at any fairground, exhibition or exposition for the purpose of exhibition (Pg. 9 Comprehensive Home Policy, Exclusion 2).
Does the Homeowner Policy cover Personal Liability arising from the use of an owned aircraft?
We do not insure liability of the ownership, use or operation of any aircraft and premises used as an airport or landing facility (Pg. 24 Comprehensive Home Policy, Exclusion 10)
What must you do when something takes place, and you believe that there may be a liability claim?
When an accident or occurrence takes place you must promptly give notice including:
- The date, time, place, and circumstances of the accident
- Name and addresses of witnesses and potential claimants.
- Cooperate with us in any legal actions.
- Immediately send all legal document and written communications concerning the accident.
(Pg. 17 Comprehensive Home Policy)
Is there a difference in the definition of an insured person under the Property Coverages and under the Liability Coverage?
Insured under Property means:
- The person named on the Coverage Summary Page.
- Their spouse.
- Relatives of the named insured or spouse.
- ## Any person under 21 in their care.Insured under Liability:
- Included everything named as insured under property.
- Any person or organization legally liable for damage caused by watercraft or animals owned by you.
- A residence employee while performing duties in connection with the ownership, use or operation of motorized vehicles and trailers for which coverage is provided.
- Legal representatives with temporary custody of the insured premises
- Any person insured by the policy at your time of death and still residing on the premises.
If you are sued for transmitting a disease to another person, are you covered?
We do not insure liability due to the transmission of communicable disease by any person insured by the policy (Pg. 24 Comprehensive Home Policy, Exclusion 8)
Are the actions of a named insured who does not live on the premises described in the declarations covered?
We do not insure the personal actions of a named insured who does not reside on the premises. For example a couple splits up and the husband moves out. (Pg. 17 Comprehensive Home Policy, Exclusion 6).
What owned, watercraft equipped with an outboard motor are automatically covered for Personal Liability?)
Watercraft equipped with an outboard motor no higher than 16 HP (Horse Power)
What owned, watercraft equipped with any motor (e.g. inboard) are automatically covered for Personal Liability?)
Watercraft equipped with a motor no higher than 50 HP (Horse Power)
What is Coverage A2 - Loss Assessment for and is there a limit?
Aka “Common Area Property Damage”. A loss assessment is when there is damage to a common area in a condominium (such as hallways, stairs, elevators, etc.) and the condominiums master policy (for whatever reason) cannot cover the damage. The condo owners are called upon to share the cost of damage via a “Loss Assessment”.
Coverage A2 pays up to $10,000 towards a Loss Assessment.