Rib, Anterior Cervical, Anterior Thoracic Counterstrain Flashcards
counterstrain steps
- Structural exam to locate somatic dysfunction
- Find a significant tender point
- Establish pain/tenderness scale
- Wrap the patient around the tender point while monitoring
- Reduce pain by at least 70% (ptin position of comfort)
- Maintain position for 90 seconds
- Passively return to neutral
- Recheck/reassess
if you have similar tenderness points, which do you treat first?
treat most central/and or proximal
if thoracic and rib TP, treat thoracic 1st
What tender point is and where should you press down:
Posterior surface of ramus of mandible
AC1 mandible
push posterior to anterior
What tender point is and What tender point is and where should you press down:
Midway between ramus and mastoid process on the transverse process of C1
push lateral to medial (Rennie)
What tender point is:
Anterior surface of transverse processes
AC 2-6
What tender point is and where should you press down:
2cm lateral to the medial end of the clavicle
AC 7
clavicular head of SCM
What tender point is and where should you press down:
Medial end of clavicle
AC 8
sternal head of SCM at sternal notch
AC1 TP and mandible are put in to what tx positions?
cervical SaRa
AC 2-6 are put in to what tx positions?
Cervical FSaRa
AC7 is put in to what tx positions?
cervical FStRa
AC8 is put in to what tx positions?
cervical FSaRa
an anterior rib tenderpoint indicates what?
ribs depress w exhalation
an posterior rib tenderpoint indicates what?
ribs elevate w inhalation
Anterior Ribs are put in to what tx positions?
AR 1-2: supine
AR 3-10: use your knee opposite to the tender point, and prop his arm up on your knee
What tender point is:
below clavicle on rib 1, lateral to maubrium
AR 1
What tender point is:
superior aspect of the rib, midclavicular line
AR 2
What tender point is:
anterior axillary line on 3-6th ribs
AR 3-6
when are ribs more prominent? less prominent?
less when elevated
more when depressed
What tender point is:
On PosteroSuperior aspect of Rib 1 just lateral to the costotransverse articulation
PR 1
What tender point is:
On the PosteroSuperior angle of the corresponding rib at medial border of scapula, about 2 1/2 inches lateral to midline
PR 2-10
tx for PR 1-10?
Rib 1 E SART*** Maverick
pt is supine
Ribs 2-10 F SARA
pt is sitting
What tender point is:
suprasternal notch
What tender point is:
angle of the manubrium (Louis)
What tender point is:
on the sternum at the same numbered costal level.